Alright so I wrote two days ago and put it up on Deviant art and it got 22 comments with in 24 hours and none of my others stuff have gotten that many comment, so not I'm posting it on here to see if you lot like it. Before you read it I have to do this Maxo/mansexlapdawg © Anniexo/Star-light-X: © Me (Duh) Everyone else AIM names © 2Foxxie4U ps. if there are any typos don't point them out, since it's not meant to have perfect spelling or grammar FireFoxx888: ...Hey, who are you? Star-light-X: Who do you think dip stick? FireFoxx888: Um...Oh god you’re one of them fangirls aren’t you!? Star-light-X: You really are a dip stick Axel! FireFoxx888: Just tell me who you are! Star- light-X: ...Who do you know, who would use star in their name? FireFoxx888: ...Well whoever you are, I hate you so much 2FreeshootinPirate2 has joined the room 2FreeshootinPirate2: Hey guys FireFoxx888: Hey Xigbar Star-light-X: Yo Xiggy what’s up 2FreeshootinPirate2: Well if it isn’t miss surfs up hair Star-light-X: Lol leave me hair along Xigbar FireFoxx888: ...Anniexo? Star-light-X: About time you got it 2FreeshootinPirate2: Wait he didn’t know it was you? Star-light-X: Nope, the silly flamer FireFoxx888: Shuddap you two Star-light-X: Make me! FireFoxx888: ...No thanks...You scare me 2FreeshootinPirate2: scardy cat FireFoxx888: AM NOT D< Star-light-X: lolness FireFoxx888: Shut up Star-light-X: Like I said before make me FireFoxx888: ...I hate you 2FreeshootinPirate2: XD 1Gamblin_Gangsta0 has joined the room Star-light-X: Hey Lux 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: ello luv how are you 2FreeshootinPirate2: Sup dude? Star-light-X: Alright thanks, just bugging Axel FireFoxx888: And can you stop? Star-light-X: Nope =3 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: lol XD btw not much xig just playing card games 2FreeshootinPirate2: Like you always do Star-light-X: Don’t you ever do anything else when you’re not on here or on a mission? 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: i hang out with xigbar and xaldin FireFoxx888: And get beaten up by Maxo 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: do not talk to me about HER! Star-light-X: lol XD Ohhh Maxo’s gunna get you Luxord 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: shut up Star-light-X: Make me =3 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: ... no because you will tell her and she will come and beat me up again TT^TT 2FreeshootinPirate2: Don’t be a wuss Luxord FireFoxx888: XD 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: you wouldnt be saying that if YOU were the one getting beating up by a girl Star-light-X: Give it a rest Luxord 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: ...-.-; at least marluxia knows how i feel FireFoxx888: Awww do you two get beaten up by girls, man you suck being beaten up by a girl Star-light-X: Um, Axel... FireFoxx888: ...Yes? <.< >.> Star-light-X: Do you want me to do the same thing I do to Marluxia? FireFoxx888: No thanks -.-; 2FreeshootinPirate2: Dude you two and Marluxia sure are wusses FireFoxx888: Whatever I’m gotta here FireFoxx888 has left the room Star-light-X: I wonder what Marluxia would do when he come in...I bet he’ll take one look at my name and go ‘AHHHH DON’T HURT ME’ then leave XD 2FreeshootinPirate2: XD That would be fun to see... I know hang on 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: this wont end well -.-; Flower_Man11 has joined the room Flower_Man11: Hey guys... Star-light-X: Hello Marluxia~ Flower_Man11: ...o.o Star-light-X: >=3 Flower_Man11: ...Please don’t hurt me Star-light-X: >=3 Flower_Man11: has left the room Star-light-X: XD at least he said ‘don’t hurt me’ 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: you are evil Star-light-X: Why thank you Luxord 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: umm... you are welcome? 2FreeshootinPirate2: You just love being evil don’t you Anniexo? Star-light-X: Yep =3 I’m sooo evil I’d do this 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: ? 2FreeshootinPirate2: ? mansexlapdawg as joined the room 2FreeshootinPirate2: XD 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: 0.0 oh no 1Gamblin_Gangsta0: has left the room mansexlapdawg: :3? Star-light-X: Hey Maxo mansexlapdawg: Hey! 2FreeshootinPirate2: Sup? mansexlapdawg: Just talking to Xaldin want me to add him =3? Star-light-X: Sure add him BobMarley#3 has joined the room 2FreeshootinPirate2: Sup dude Star-light-X: Yo Xal BobMarley#3: Hey guys Star-light-X: JAMMIN’! 2FreeshootinPirate2: ?? mansexlapdawg: :3?? BobMarley#3: ?? Star-light-X: Sorry Xaldin’s name reminded me of a joke BobMarly#3 Oh really? What’s the joke? Water_Boi999 has joined the room Star-light-X: What kinda doughnuts does Bob Marly like? Water_Boui999: WITH JAMMIN’! BobMarly#3: I take it you know the joke then Demyx...? And hi Water_Boi999: Yep and hey guys 2FreeshootinPirate2: Wait...I don’t get it and hey little dude Star-light-X: ...Bob Marly - Jammin’ - doughnuts with jam in get it 2FreeshootinPirate2: Ohhhh~ I get ya now ^.^ mansexlapdawg: Hey Demmy and silly Xiggy not getting it 2FreeshootinPirate2: <.< >.> Star-light-X: XD 2FreeshootinPirate2: Well I’m going See ya later dudes Water_Boi999: Bye Xiggy BobMarley#3 Cya Xigbar mansexlapdawg: Bye bye Xig Star-light-X: Bye bye 2FreeshootinPirate2: has left the room 6Depressed_Not_Emo6 has joined the room Star-light-X: The Shooter goes and the Schemer joins, Hey Zexion =3 6Depressed_Not_Emo6: Hello... I take it I’ve just missed Xigbar Water_Boi999: Hey Zexion, and yes you did missed Xiggy BobMarley#3: Hey Zexion sup? mansexlapdawg: Hi Zexy~ 6Depressed_Not_Emo6: Please don’t call me that mansexlapdawg: Awww but you are Sexy Zexy 6Depressed_Not_Emo6: -.-; Star-light-X: Yo Maxo, you’re gunna make him jealous mansexlapdawg: Oh nose! mansexlapdawg has left the room BobMarley#3 Umm I’ll be going now bye BobMarley#3 has left the room Star-light-X: -.-; Water_Boi999: -.-; 6Depressed_Not_Emo6: -.-; Star-light-X: So how are my two fave nobodies? Water_Boi999: Fine thanks 6Depressed_Not_Emo6: I’m Alright thank you Star-light-X: Cool........ Now what? -.-; Water_Boi999: Well Lexy is on, shell we add him? Star-light-X: Sure ^.^ 6Despressed_Not_Emo6: Okay Tomahawk_Mann5 has joined the room Star-light-X: Hey Lexy Wexy! Tomahawk_Mann5: Hey guys Water_Boi999: Hey Lexy 6Depressed_Not_Emo6: Hello Lexaeus Star-light-X: Ow **** >.< Tomahawk_Mann5: What’s the matter? Star-light-X: I was just spinning on my chair and I hit my toe on my desk 6Depressed_Not_Emo6: You’ll live Star-light-X: Yes I will ^.^ Water_Boi999: ^.^ Flower_Man11 has joined the room Star-light-X: Hello again Flower_Man11: Oh great you’re still in here... 6Depressed_Not_Emo6: On that note I’ll be going bye guys Flower_Man11: So I take it you want your room pink Zexion? Star-light-X: No he doesn’t >=3 Zexion, I’ll see you later Flower_Man11: See you later then Zexion TT^TT Water_Boi999: Bye Zexion Tomahawk_Mann5: Bye Zexion 6Depressed_Not_Emo6: has left the room Flower_Man11: Why are you so mean to me Anniexo? Star-light-X: I dunno, guess I just like hurting you LeadNobody#1 has joined the room Tomahawk_Mann5: ...You two can be so immature sometimes Star-light-X: I know =3 Water_Boi999: Hey Xemnas Flower_Man11: Shut up Lexaeus you’re not the one who gets beaten up by her! Star-light-X: Because I can’t beat him up nor do I wanna >=3 LeadNobody#1: Hello number IX it’s nice to see someone has the manners to greet me Tomahawk_Mann5: Hello Xemnas Star-light-X: Yo Xem, sorry about that I was having to much fun being mean to Marluxia Flower_Man11: Hi Xemnas LeadNobody#1: That’s better DarksideoftheMoon77 has joined the room Star-light-X: Yo Saix Water_Boi999: Hey Saix Tomahawk_Mann5: Hello Saix Flower_Man11: Hello, goodbye, I’m going out here Flower_Man11 has left the room DarksideoftheMoon77: Something I did...? <.< >.> Oh I might of know, you have something to do with that don’t you Anniexo? Star-light-X: Maybe =3 LeadNobody#1: Hello Saix DarksideoftheMoon77: Hey everyone Water_Boi999: I’m going for a swim later guys DarksideoftheMoon77: Bye Demyx LeadNobody#1: Bye Demyx Tomahawk_Mann5: See you Demyx Star-light_X: Bye bye Demyx Water_Boi999 has left the room Star-light_X: XD LeadNobody#1: What’s funny? Star-light-X: Oh I was just thinking about how Axel didn’t know who I was when I first logged on DarksideoftheMoon77: He can be stupid sometimes -.- Star-light-X: He sure can, he only clicked on that it was me when Xigbar came in and made fun of my hair again =3 Tomahawk_Mann5: He’s always doing that isn’t he? Star-light-X: Yep, but I don’t mind, since it’s true what he says about it, it really does look like a wave DarksideoftheMoon77: So why do you beat Marluxia up for the same reason? Star-light-X: simple, I just don’t like him, just like Maxo doesn’t like Luxord =3 DarksideoftheMoon77: -.- Star-light-X: =3 XD Meow =^.^= DarksideoftheMoon77: .... Star-light-X: Go on Saix you know you wanna DarksideoftheMoon77: No I don’t LeadNobody#1: Oh great I can hear Luxord screaming again, come on Saix, we need to save him from Maxo... AGAIN DarksideoftheMoon77: Okay DarksideoftheMoon77 has left the room LeadNobody#1 has left the room Star-light-X: Guess the funs over then, wanna go join Demyx? Tomahawk_Mann5: Sure Star-light-X has left the room Tomahawk_Mann5 has left the room
Lol Nice~ XD I was just lurking around trying to find something funny and I just found what I was looking for~
Thanks, I don't normally write stories like this, but I'm gald you like it. Gald you found what you're looking for, which part made you lol the most?
Star-light-X: La la la la la la Boom goes the kitchen! Kitchen_Goes_Boom: You’re not funny Star-light-X: Boomy boom boom Kitchen_Goes_Boom: Shut up Star-light-X: I’m not talking I’m typing =3 Kitchen_Goes_Boom: Don’t be a wise ass, I know you’re not talking -.- 12Psychotik4Life has join the room Star-light-X: Miss shocking in here now =3 Hey. 12Psychotik4Life: Which one of you added me? Kitchen_Goes_Boom: Not me. Star-light-X: It was ME! Why you ask? Well I’m kinda hyper right now =3 Kitchen_Goes_Boom: -.- 12Psychotik4Life: -.- Star-light-X: What!? I can’t help it. Star-light-X: Weeeeeeeee! 12Psychotik4Life: You can stop that right now! 2Foxxie4U has joined the room Kitchen_Goes_Boom: Stop adding people! Star-light-X: Hey Foxxie. 2Foxxie4U: Hey Anniexo, hey Keylex 12Psychotik4Life: Do you ever do as your told? Star-light-X: Yes I do, but right now I don’t wanna do a I’m told =3 2Foxxie4U: Hyper again? Star-light-X: Why yes... Yes I am. 12Psychotik4Life: Whatever, I’m going. 12Psychotik4Life has left the room Star-light-X: Yeah, going to shock some little animal or something 2Foxxie4U: How do you know? Star-light-X: I don’t, I’m just guessing Kitchen_Goes_Boom: So you might be wrong Star-light-X: That’s the whole point of guessing =3 2Foxxie4U: XD Star-light-X: Oh hold on Marluxia just walked by my room and you know what that means >=3 2Foxxie4U: Have fun Star-light-X has left the room Kitchen_Goes_Boom: I kinda feel sorry for Marluxia 2Foxxie4U: Yeah, but it’s fun to watch... or hear XD Kitchen_Goes_Boom: ...I wonder how painful he’s going to scream this time 2Foxxie4U: We’ll find out sooner or later Kitchen_Goes_Boom: ... 2Foxxie4U: ... 2Foxxie4U: Wow that... sounds painful Kitchen_Goes_Boom: What do you think she’s doing to him? 2Foxxie4U: What she normally does I guess SeniorMember444 has joined the room 2Foxxie4U: Hey Vex Kitchen_Goes_Boom: How are you Vexen? SeniorMember444: I’m fine thank you, in a very good mood, and I’m sure both of you can hear why? 2Foxxie4U: Yep, we can hear the screams alright Star-light-X has joined the room Star-light-X: That was oh so fun =3 SeniorMember444: And it was fun to listen too, too bad I couldn’t watch Star-light-X: Yo Vexy 2Foxxie4U: What did you do to him? Star-light-X: What I always do =3 SeniorMember444: XD 2Foxxie4U: XD Kitchen_Goes_Boom: XD Star-light-X: But I still don’t get it 2Foxxie4U: Get what? Star-light-X: Why doesn’t Xemnas tell me off for beating Marluxia up? SeniorMember444: That Anniexo, is a long story, and why I enjoy it so much when I hear you beating him up. Star-light-X: You’ll have to tell me sometime *ZeKeybladeMaster13* has joined the room *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: Hey guys Star-light-X: Hey Roxas *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: ...wasn’t you beating up Marluxia? Star-light-X: Yeah, that’s just the after shock screams you can hear *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: This is why I don’t come nowhere near you 2Foxxie4U: XD Awww poor Roxy Kitchen_Goes_Boom: XD SeniorMember444: Would you Anniexo? Star-light-X: Nah it’s just Axel and Marluxia Kitchen_Goes_Boom: You beat Axel up? Star-light-X: Nah I just like scaring him Star-light-X: And now I’m not so hyper any more FireFoxx888 has join the room *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: Hey Axel FireFoxx888: Hey Roxas Star-light-X: Boo! FireFoxx888: -.-’ FireFoxx888: Nice try Star-light-X: Hold on guys >=3 Star-light-X: has left the room *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: ?? 2Foxxie4U: ?? Kitchen_Goes_Boom: ?? SeniorMember444: ?? FireFoxx888: ?? FireFoxx888: OMFG Star-light-X has joined the room FireFoxx888: Why did you do that? TT^TT Star-light-X: Because I can >=3 SeniorMember444: What did you do? FireFoxx888: It’s soooo cold *ZeKeybladeMaster13*: Hold on Axel *ZeKeybladeMaster13* has left the room Kitchen_Goes_Boom: Oh you are mean 2Foxxie4U: She sure is Star-light-X: Indeed Miss_Sun_Shine has joined the room Miss_Sun_Shine: LOL you said it again! Miss_Sun_Shine has left the room Star-light-X: Damn it Xetherah lol 2Foxxie4U: What was all that about? Star-light-X: An old joke between the two off us, since I use to say indeed all the time and she said it reminded her of how Xemnas says it Kitchen_Goes_Boom: lol, I’m going to cook something, bye Star-light-X: Bye bye SeniorMember444: Bye 2Foxxie4U: BYEZ! FireFoxx888: Cya Kitchen_Goes_Boom had left the room FireFoxx888: I’m going as well, I need to get warm again FireFoxx888 has left the room 2FreeshootinPirate2 has joined the room Star-light-X: The Flamer leaves and the Shooter joins, hey Xiggy 2FreeshootinPirate2: Sup dudes 2Foxxie4U: ...Hello Xigbar SeniorMember444: Hello Xigbar 2FreeshootinPirate2: Hey Foxxie ^^ BTW Anniexo, that was fun to watch Star-light-X: Gald you enjoyed the show Xiggy...What did you do after I left? 2FreeshootinPirate2: Just watched him moan a little longer 2Foxxie4U: ...OMFG Nooo! That jerk has done it again with his damn Sora/Kairi stories SeniorMember444: !? 2FreeshootinPirate2: !? Star-light-X: !? Don’t worry Foxxie you’re stories are full of random and win 2FreeshootinPirate2: Ditto SeniorMember444: How can any one like that pairing, sure I can cope with the fans pairing me with Marluxia but Sora WITH Kairi... I think I’m going to be sick 2FreeshootinPirate2: You’re not the only one dude Papu_Boy911 has joined the room *PinkHairedGal* has joined the room Star-light-X: And here is the annoying pairing that no one likes of the year Papu_Boy911: Oh who asked you... who ever you are *PinkHairedGal* ...Is that a new nobody or something? mansexlapdawg has joined the room Papu_Boy911: Saix? mansexlapdawg: No Maxo... Anniexo, Xemnas said you have to lay off beating Marluxia for a while Star-light-X: Awww why!? SeniorMember444: Maybe because you’ll kill him if you do it again any time soon Star-light-X: Then I know who I can beat up in the mean time Star-light-X has left the room 2Foxxie4U: Wonder where’s she gone *PinkHairedGal* ...OMG Sora help me, a women with blue hair that looks like a wave, had just come and says she wants to hurt me!! *PinkHairedGal* has left the room Papu_Boy911: Hold on Kairi I’m coming Papu_Boy911 has left the room SeniorMember444: She sure does love to beat up people she doesn’t like 2FreeshootinPirate2: Nah it’s just Marluxia, Sora and Kairi I guess mansexlapdawg has left 2Foxxie4U: Um...Bye then 2FreeshootinPirate2: Guess her aim kicked her off again Star-light-X: has joined the room Star-light-X: Aww that was too easy! SeniorMember444: You didn’t kill them did you? Star-light-X: Nope 6Depressed_Not_Emo6 has joined the room 6Depressed_Not_Emo6: Oh I’m a gummy bear! Yes I’m a gummy bear! Oh I’m a yummy tummy funny lucky gummy bear! I’m a jolly bear ‘Cause I’m a gummy bear Oh I’m a moving, grooving, jamming, singing, gummy bear! 6Depressed_Not_Emo6 has left the room 2Foxxie4U: XD 2FreeshootinPirate2: WTF was all that about? Star-light-X: XD ...I really don’t think it was Zexion... SeniorMember444: What makes you say that? 6Depressed_Not_Emo6 has joined the room 6Depressed_Not_Emo6: Sorry about that... Please don’t ask Star-light-X: So it was you 2FreeshootinPirate2: Dude what was all that about? 6Depressed_Not_Emo6: You do not want to know Tomahawk_Mann5 has joined the room Tomahawk_Mann5: Zexion why is one of your clone running around singing that he’s a gummy bear? 6Depressed_Not_Emo: O.O 6Depressed_Not_Emo6 has left the room Star-light-X: XD 2FreeshootinPirate2: XD 2Foxxie4U: XD SeniorMember444: XD Star-light-X: Oh I feel sorry for Zexion LeadNobody#1 has joined the room Star-light-X: I know Maxo has already told me LeadNobody#1: I wasn’t going to say anything about that 2FreeshootinPirate2: Where are my damn pants? D: SeniorMember444: This is getting a little too crazy and random for me SeniorMember444 has left the room Star-light-X: I’m going to help Zexion Tomahawk_Mann5: I’ll join you Star-light-X has left the room Tomahawk_Mann5 has left the room 2Foxxie4U: I’m going as well, see ya Xiggy 2FreeshootinPirate2: See ya Foxxie 2Foxxie4U has left the room LeadNobody#1: What so I come in and everyone starts leaving? 2FreeshootinPirate2: I guess so... Bye 2FreeshootinPirate2 has left the room LeadNobody#1: ... LeadNobody#1 has left the room