If Organization XIII had AIM.... Amber style

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Amber, Nov 9, 2007.

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  1. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    kekekeke thats true
  2. Zodiac50 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 4, 2007
    In the Dark Depths
    As long as RRMS doesn't see all this stuff about cookies, then we are safe.
  3. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007

    lol that was funny
  4. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Part 2 XD

    Finally! After all these weeks, I have continued!



    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: Hi Demyx!
    Water_Boi999: Hiya!
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: *looks around* There's no one else here...
    Water_Boi999: :D
    ~I~Luv~cookies~: :glomp:
    Water_Boi999: :glomp: backatcha ;)

    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06 has joined the room

    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: Darn you Deb!
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: ???

    FireFoxx88 has joined the room
    DarksideoftheMoon77 has joined the room

    DarksideoftheMoon77: Hello
    Water_Boi999: o.O
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: O.O!!!
    DarksideoftheMoon77: Amber's teddy bear needs MOAR POWAH!!!
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: ...?
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06:Random FTW
    FireFoxx88: LMFAO
    DarksideoftheMoon77: He's so pimp~
    Water_Boi999: WTF
    DarksideoftheMoon77: Frolic in The Weiners
    DarksideoftheMoon77: 8D
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: Saix thats gross xD
    Water_Boi999: ....
    DarksideoftheMoon77: But its my dream to be surrounded by dozens of man-meat, flapping around and slapping me drool
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: WTF?!?
    DarksideoftheMoon77: Amber knows what I mean 8D
    FireFoxx88: errrmmmm
    FireFoxx88: OMG
    FireFoxx88: poor amber
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: wait what??? 0.0
    DarksideoftheMoon77: xD
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: You dont want to know
    FireFoxx88: she too innocent
    DarsideoftheMoon77: *checks 'Cause mass confusion' off the list*
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: ???
    FireFoxx88: lol
    FireFoxx88: Omg what next?
    FireFoxx88: DUN DUN DUN
    FireFoxx88: He Is full of surprises
    DarksideoftheMoon77: Well.........
    DarksideoftheMoon77: If you must know.....
    Water_Boi999: NUUUUU
    DarksideoftheMoon77: Im actually a lesbian :/
    FireFoxx88: Saix...
    FireFoxx88: Your a guy
    FireFoxx88: Unless they swaped Gay with Lesbian
    DarksideoftheMoon77: But I love bishes D:
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: ...So your not a guy? o.o
    DarksideoftheMoon77: When did I say I was one? o.o
    Water_Boi999: ...
    FireFoxx88: NEVA
    DarksideoftheMoon77: I want amber to be my wifey =3
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: ....
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: no
    DarksideoftheMoon77: D=
    Water_Boi999: See, you got rejected by Amber ^^
    DarksideoftheMoon77: I know D:
    DarksideoftheMoon77: And she's so hot too!
    ~I~Luv~cookies~: ....
    FireFoxx88: do joo feel special amber
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: XDDD
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: I bet she does
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: *just staring at awkward convo*
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: Poor Amber
    Water_Boi999: :hug:
    DarksideoftheMoon77: Amber totally feels special
    DarsideoftheMoon77: *wink wink*
    Water_Boi999: Saix...
    DarksideoftheMoon77: *nudge nudge*
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: Thats enough
    DarksideoftheMoon77: *Leans in to kiss*

    ~I~Luv~Cookies~ had left the room

    Water_Boi999: GET YUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MAH GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
    DarksideoftheMoon77: Ok =3 *not listening to you*
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: If you even THINK about doing what you just said... *cracks knuckles*
    FireFoxx88: Ooh, Debra vs. Saix.. Now this I've gotta see XDDD
    DarksideoftheMoon77: *clunk* *puts down shovel* hi guys this is amber. saix is... incapacitated at the moment... i'm gonna go back to my computer now :)

    DarksideoftheMoon77 has left the room
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~ has joined the room

    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: Hi guys!
    Water_Boi999: Amber! You're ok! :hug:
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: Wow, Amber, you actually knocked someone out... :') I'm so proud!

    20VaxileerXX has joined the room
    26XentycoruXXVI has joined the room
    24CixamellahXXIV has joined the room
    29XandiraXXIX has joined the room
    30XenaleenXXX has joined the room
    27RelxapXXVII has joined the room
    21RenaxecXXI has joined the room
    28XaustellXXVIII has joined the room
    22MynxXXII has joined the room
    23DixaXXIII has joined the room
    31RoxnocXXXI has joined the room

    FireFoxx88: Oh sh-

    FireFoxx88 has left the room

    26XentycoruXXVI: Axel?
    26XentycoruXXVI: Where'd you go?
    20VaxileerXX: OMG where's Sora?
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: Not here. Go away.
    21RenaxecXXI: And who are you?
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: *evil grin* Your worst nightmare!
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: If I actually cared about your lives, I'd tell you to run, but since I don't.. I'm gonna eat a cookie ^.^
    Water_Boi999: *hiding from fangirls*
    24CixamellahXXIV: Demmy?
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: Say wha?
    24CixamellahXXIV: Who are you?
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: I'm Amber. Who are you?
    24CixamellahXXIV: Demyx's girlfriend ^^
    Water_Boi999: HECK NO!!!
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: I think there's some sort of confusion here. Ya see, I'M Demyx's girlfriend.
    31RoxnocXXXI: OMG it's Amber and Debra!!!!
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: Yeah... got a problem with it?
    31RoxnocXXXI: Amber, will you marry me?
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: NO!!!!
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: I'm already taken...
    31RoxnocXXXI: oh by Debra?
    ~I~Luv~Cookies: WTH?????????
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: WTH?????????
    Water_Boi999: WTH?????????
    31RoxnocXXXI: XD Amber sounds so HAWT!!
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: 0.0!!!!!!!!!
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~ Why do all these guys think I'm hot?
    Water_Boi999: Well...
    Water_Boi999: We'll talk about that later.
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: Fangirls...
    31RoxnocXXXI: *cough*
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: AND fanboys...
    31RoxnocXXXI: Thank you.
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: If you don't get yur butts off the interwebz...
    ~I~Luv~Cookies~: RUN PPLZ!!!
    Not_Xemnas'_Girl_06: I will have to take.. extreme measures.. *cracks knuckles*
    20VaxileerXX: ...
    26XentycoruXXVI: ...
    24CixamellahXXIV: ...
    29XandiraXXIX: ...
    30XenaleenXXX: ...
    27RelxapXXVII: ...
    21RenaxecXXI: ...
    28XaustellXXVIII: ...
    22MynxXXII: ...
    23DixaXXIII: ...
    31RoxnocXXXI: ...
    28XaustellXXVIII: I ain't scared of you XD
    Water_Boi999: *marks off this day as the day a large group of fangirls got horribly maimed*


    Parts of this are based of an actual convo I had on MSN... *shot for unoriginality* *revived for correctly using a word longer than 10 letters*

    XD jojo, you don't have to call me amberdslovick lol everyone knows my name is Amber...
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    lawl that was good! Keep it up!

    and based off a accual convo...which parts?
  6. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Where Saix was being a perv... that was based off a convo with Jordie, TF, and Crono XD
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    XD man now that's funny :D prevy saix
  8. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Crono actually said something else, but I felt it was inappropriate for the forums XD
  9. stripy4 Traverse Town Homebody

    *Picks up shovel and hits Saix over the head* That was really good! I shall have nightmares about pervy Saix forever... *Gives you cookie for doing a good job* NOBODY STEAL THIS COOKIE! I STILL HAVE A SHOVEL!! A SHOVEL!! A SHOV-- Aw, crap Saix has reganed concessness. I have to run for my life now. BYE!
  10. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    MAH COOKEH NAO!!!!! D:< *eats it before anyone tries to steal it*
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