If Obama is elected President, will you ever watch him Live on TV?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by BaseSebastian, Jul 11, 2008.


The amendment question below concerning Vice-Presidency to presidency

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  1. Mithril Sora Banned

    Jul 15, 2008
    not telling.......^_^
    hypocrasy rules in the devil's playground. It also rules in this debate...unfortunately.....

    Ever heard of "white-power"? KKK, Arian Nations, White Supremacists, skinheads, Neo Nazis, Christian Identity, the list goes on and on. These people are real, not just some little town of racists from the Civil War period. They still exist, and find Obama's running a threat. It is very possible that Hilary Clinton will hire one of these groups to "take care of Obama". I don't hate Obama, in fact I would pick him over McCain any day, but both are bad. I disagree with both of their political views. You see, I lean to more of a Liberitarian view, mixed with a Paleo-conservatism. I'm a big "fan" of Ron Paul, and I really hated it when people mixed Neo-Nazi's in with him. It was terrible how the media ignored him, and how his message was twisted and torn apart. I find that America has become dumber and dumber every election. Now, they can't get out of electing a total idiot for the Presidency, both McCain and Obama are ****s. But back to the original debate thing, I think Obama hasn't really got the nomination until November. If he survives it until then, he'll win the election. My opinion, don't freak out at me...(I have a strong feeling RepliRiku will...)
    = (
  2. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    To be honest..I would watch him live on tv, no harm in that. *Btw I can't, I'm in London.*

    It's not a secret that the Republican platform does not favor many of the programs such as Head Start that any minority group uses. As for Obama and the African American community, it will help to have someone who sees from the same perspective as they do.

    I hate to say this, but with every sweet comes sour... Sadly in this case, it would be hypocrasy...
  3. Repliku Chaser

    I wouldn't freak at your opinion. That's what this section is for. However, I can say I don't really like your sig message and think that if you don't want to offend people, that should be what changes. :)

    You are right, there are several Christian/white organizations and hate groups that spin around things of religion and 'race' to make these things fit them as well as just have a lot of bias towards anything not of them.

    I also liked Ron Paul but felt he was too extreme and that the idea of selling off some things to corps, I couldn't agree with. However, I can say it would have been a tougher decision for me to decide who to vote for in November if he had made it instead of McCain. The negative reactions of comparing his stance to that of Hitler etc was extreme but no more extreme than what others have said about the other candidates. Unfortunately though the biggest problem with Ron Paul was more that few people actually understood him. I did, and can say some of his ideas were great and he was the freshest thing to come out of the Republican party in a long time. Others, like dumping certain (some of them) government funded things to corps...sorry, but I just don't trust corporations enough to let them handle some issues. We already are screwed over enough by auto insurance and house insurance which aren't there when you 'need' them but we pay a ton of money for them.

    To the topic though, all it takes with any president is a guy with a psychopathic nature who is delusional to go do in any president whether we like it or not. I don't feel Obama is in any more of a danger than some former presidents who dealt with great civil unrest. That civil unrest really makes or breaks a president. I certainly wouldn't be afraid of watching him on TV and if he was attacked, it would appall me the same as if I had seen others that would have been attacked. There will always be 'hate' groups and we just must understand that these people are stuck in a pattern of loathing, prejudice, and ego. I would worry more though about a single loco guy since those often are what seems to get our presidents more than one of these violent hate groups that make threats but can't get the 'big people' so make the rest of us feel like crap instead.
  4. DiZoftheH34RTS Moogle Assistant

    Jul 13, 2008
    Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
    Mm. I go for Obama myself, but that doesn't necessarily count, haha. c: I actually keep/kept to tides with the American elections, and forgive my opinion, but Hilary doesn't deserve to have squat to do with that nation. America doesn't need any more crazy b****es bursting from its seams.

    But thats just my opinion, a small one granted, but I won't go into any more depth. n_n
  5. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    It's possible, but I am not 100% that his being shot is probable. There are plently of weirdos in this world; the idea of someone actually getting the guts to shoot someone like Obama...it's kind disturbing.

    I have thought of this as well. I don't think a Hillary Clinton supporter would do it, but you never know. People can be unpredictable.
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Obama, whether his true motives are good or not, he has given many people hope, a hope which has fired all around the nation. As prior stated, my mom has a Peurto Rican friend who has been given a possibility of becoming President in the future. And yes, Peurto Ricans could run for President by law, due t the fact Peurto Rico and Guam are both U.S territories, but we allow them their own freedoms and govenments.

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it. xD

    Likely, due to Obama's Democratic policies, there will most likely be Gay marriages peppered all around the nation,(Something I don't totally support, but I don't say it's "not God's way" either.) Definately more tolerancies of interracial marriages,(Something I really do support myself, although I'd probably never marry a black girl. Strictly and kindly speaking, just not my type), and numerous other things considering freedom of religion. Who knows, maybe the stupid onslaught will finally stop against the Christian and Catholic communities because Obama's some branch of Christian. Which, I can't keep in mindset for some odd reason. If anybody could tell me, feel free to.
  7. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Obama's motives look really promising overall, and although I don't live in America, I think he is capabe of pulling it off...

    Just as long as no anti-obama supporter comes out of no-where and shoots him...
  8. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008

    Yeah, i support McCain, but i pray fro Obama too. God bless all of you.
  9. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    He will have attempts made against his life, but I doubt he will be shot. If he is, there will be a very large uproar.

    And yes, I will watch him on TV.
  10. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i would say no because i never watch speeches from politicians.....PERIOD. and he better not get shot and killed because people will riot around the area where i live and then he'll become a martyr and then people will associate only good things with him.
  11. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    I will watch the political state of the union the same as always. This is crap. Every president will have the lingering threat over his head. Lincoln, Garfield, Kennedy, Reagan. In the world we live in, anything can happen. If you decide to not watch any speeches by Obama or McCain, then you might as well never watch any political speech by any world / religious leader. If you do, then you are a hypocrite.
  12. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    No I would not unless I had to and it concerned our country. I just hope that we do not have a racial war for there are people out there who would be more than willing to start something like remembering mistakes in the past and bringing it forth now.
  13. sora_i_can_do_this Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 2, 2008
    I just watched his big speech tonight, but after that I'll continue to get my

    news from the Daily Show and Colbert Report (yes, yes, I'm a simpleton).
  14. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007

    I will watch him.

    And I will touch myself while I do so.
  15. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    No your not!~ I watch it every noight. Anyway, I'm glad we can have an African American President, because he's not, he's American! We've come a long way.
  16. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    This is going to be my very last post in this section.

    I like Obama. I don't want to see anything bad happen to the guy, after all he's our President. Pope John Paul II got shot, as did several Presidents and other world leaders. Sometimes they have surived these fleeting fireings of stupidity, e.g: Pope John Paul II, Reagan, etc...

    Those Neo-nazis got caught trying to do something completely insane, but that's not always going to be the case. I pray for Obama's sake, and for the sake of our country. If Obama can save us, God bless him. If he can't before some whack-job with a quarter of their brain above water, then, still, God Bless him.

    I'm going to try and watch him on LIVE TV, but it's going to be something very skitish for me. I mean alot of Texans saw a bit too much blood and brains flying about after Some idiot shot JFK.

    Bush haters suck, and I'm not going to be an Obama hater and whine and complain since my candidate didn't win.

    God Bless America, God Bless Kh-vids, and God Bless Barrack Hussein Obama.
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