If Obama is elected President, will you ever watch him Live on TV?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by BaseSebastian, Jul 11, 2008.


The amendment question below concerning Vice-Presidency to presidency

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  15. 19th

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    That is to say, that when he speaks on Live television, will you watch him, with the high risk Obama will most likely be ineviantly(Sp?) be shot by some hair-brained extremist?

    I fear and pray for Barrack Obama, hopeing unselfishly he does not win Presidency, because if he does, he will either be made an example of because merely the color of his skin, or maybe he might even be shot dead by a Hilary supporter, whether Clinton has a hand in it or not, so that Hilary will assume Presidency under (What amendement? I know which, but if anybody can say which, then they will receive rep).

    The same thing has happened to several presidents who beleive the most in the country. Ambraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford, etc.... and no matter of Secret Service protection will save Obama, unfortuneately.

    I do not agree with Obama on many standards, but a life is a life.

    The agruement here is the question as to:

    Whether he might be shot?

    What would the motive be for shooting him?

    And Would you watch him on live Television?

    Keep opinions fair, balanced, and try to detain from blameing either members of any party, this isn't a political debacle so much as a country-wide fear.

    Please note that the above Poll does not claim that Obama may be shot by any form of Hilary Clinton Supporter, so that the latter may assume Presidency. It is merely there for educational purposes.

    Also, let's try to keep smears like Obama is Muslim and that McCain is racist out of this. This a intelligent discussion, not a finger-pointing rally.
  2. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    Well, i dont think he would get shot because of his color, more because of his veiws. I like that you pray for him ^.^
  3. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I'm afraid it is quite likely, as most do not want to forget the struggles of African-American peoples, and the tradgedies they faced. Did you know that conspirators of the shooting of Martin Luther King consisted of people of more than one race?

    Martin Luther King was a man who fought not only for the rights of African people, but also of Hispanic, White and people of other ethnic backgrounds. many Black people feared that King's success might mean the end of a segregation some Black people wanted still around for their own purposes. Many white people felt the same way, and in order to avoid suscpion, the person who pulled the trigger in Nevada, his scope set on a man who beleived in America, who was looking out on the balcnony of a hotel, was a white man by the name of James Earl Ray.

    An excrept from "I have a dream": "I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood."

    Hypocrisy rules the minds of many, and it is a sad thing.

    Also, I usually like to pray for those who usually don't get prayed for alot. It's just my Catholic backgrounds, which I am very proud of.^^
  4. Repliku Chaser

    The very reason Obama should continue pressing forward for the Presidency is because of idiots like what you speak of. Many people like me are very sick of the biases between 'races' that are only real in the mind of humans that decide to 'class' things redundantly and idiotically.

    If you don't like Obama's views, don't vote for him. If you do like his views, you vote for him. These sidetrack issues are simply meant to skew the point of the election in the first place. If he gets shot, he won't be the first President to have that happen to him. You mention JFK but also Reagan and Lincoln, etc. Any president can be in danger due to their stances and the fact it is a person that has a natural bullseye on him or her automatically. ANY government leader can be in danger by extremist morons. That's why presidents have guards and other leaders do too. Anyone who wants the job to be president should not be hindered because some people 'fear he would be shot'. The position in itself merits that there are wackos out there who want you dead. How many times do you think Bush has been threatened that we don't hear about?

    I don't know about you, but I live in a world without fear. Any man or woman willing to take the seat of Prime Minister or President etc has also determined that he/she lives with the knowledge that the life they lead is going to be changed indefinitely. It may also be cut short. Stop selling candidates short by coming up with lame excuses to not vote for them. 'Because he's black and Martin Luther King got shot' is not a reason to not vote for someone. You vote for McCain because in the end you like his stances more. This other stuff is made up irrelevant emotions talking to give yet another reason to not vote for a candidate. Really in the end, you are being just as hypocritical to say you would not vote for someone because he/she may get shot, as the person who would go do the shooting. Think about it. You slow progress and let racism continue by such statements and feelings.

    So, maybe he will be shot. Maybe not. I will definitely watch him on television as I have every other President I can remember seeing. The motive for shooting him would be some psychopath wants some fame and is delusional, giving himself a reason.
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I never said don't vote for Obama. Where in the context did I say this? I sincerely hope he doesn't get it,, but what are my hopes for another person to the world? Nothing.

    And I said Obama may or may not get shot, but not only on the base of his skin. Not to blame Hilary Clinton, but an extremist may shot Obama just so Hilary wins presidency under (Not the 7th amendment. The 7th amendment pertains to free and fair trial. So scratch off 7th amendment from the above list).

    Also, thank you for bringing up Reagan getting shot. To explain to those who don't understand, Reagan was not fatally shot, but in fact took a bullet while exiting the Washington hotel on March 30, 1981. He was shot down by John Hinkley Jr., who was not charged due to a plead of insanity. Three other people were wounded along with Reagan.
  6. KHfanatic4life Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 9, 2008
    Texas, New Jersey, California
    its the 7th amendment
  7. Repliku Chaser

    I am telling you that you are basically saying -you- won't vote for Obama because you don't want him to die and it's all some sympathy maneuver. You also state you don't agree with his platforms and probably therefore are Republican. So...why bother saying the first part? If you agree with McCain's stances, that should be your validation on who to vote for. McCain could be as easily shot as Obama. All some fanatic psychopath out for a name for himself has to do is go '4 more years of Bush??? OH feck that!' Hillary could be shot because she's a woman that also has conspiracies under her belt and has done some rotten politics and someone is sore over Obama losing. Get the point? Any of the candidates could be shot. Any President is in danger. The job is what it is and it comes with a nasty note to realize your life is in danger the moment you take that oath. There probably isn't a president of the past that hasn't been challenged or threatened in such a manner. That's why they have secret service people.

    This is why I'm telling you, vote for who you want and don't make a 'reason' that is irrelevant and a choice out of fear. You seemed you were going to vote for McCain anyway so why does it matter to you? The moment Obama, McCain or Hillary chose to put their names in for the bid was the time they all admitted that their lives could be threatened. They accept it and so should you.
  8. tofuman Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2008
    under a tree
  9. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Repliku, the only time I even have the chance of haveing a vote on Barrack Obama, is if he gets elected, lasts the four years, and it's time for reelction. What does a 14 year old have a say in "maeveurs", and "Republican sympathy "tricks""?

    I have a great amount of respect for you, Repliku. Please don't try and make me look like some kind of idiot, because that just won't work.

    As for a Assasination attempt on Hilary Clinton: It is possible. She does have some dirty secrets in the past, and she keeps secrets as well. That is why I mentioned she may or may not have a hand in the mess if somebody shoots Obama on the base that they are too stupid to realize that we are forty years ahead of the 1960's. Not to say she would, but to note on her somewhat dark past.

    To say I'm racist is far from the truth, my friend.

    Also, the 7th amendmeant pertains to a free trial in America. it has nothing to do with the Vice-President assuming President if the President is unable to acheive his duites. Also, the 19th Amendment actually has to do with women being able to vote.

    That's two amendments from the list.
  10. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    Im sorry but I do not agree with this at all. He should be running right now, because although things are tough for him, (like having to worry about being killed over the color of his skin) he is still breaking many barriers. Just the fact that hes getting up in front of live televison saying that "im going to run for president" is ground breaking for not just african americans, but ANY race that may want to run in the future.

    The hillary thing assuming presidency really doesnt make sense at all. Unless Obama takes Hillary in as his VP, bringing her out of nowhere is really strange of you...and, the chances of a Hillary supporter shooting Obama besides some plain old racist (or whatever other issues he or she may have) are...not as big imo. In terms of media, Hillary is no more. Its all about McCain and Obama atm.

    He might. I can't say that it isnt resting in the back of my mind waiting there...I honestly dont know what to think. I say its a 60/40 chance he'll get shot. (60 being that he wont get shot and 40 being that he will).

    Its always a disagreement of ideas, to say in a layman's way. But I think racial issues will definately take effect if this happens.

    I've met Barack Obama in person and I've spoken to him before. Live t.v. is out of the question. (The answer being HELL yes.)
  11. Marluxia13579 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 13, 2008
    Maybe it's likely that Obama could get shot, but the same might be said for any President. I mean, Bush could easily have been assasinated by an anti-war in Iraq protester... or any number of other hypothetical people. Obama is possibly at greater risk than other candidates due to his race (which is really sad, I've got to say) but I sincerely hope with all my heart that no-one in 21st century America could be so backward and perverse as to be capable of killing a President just because he was black.

    I really hope Obama is elected. It's about time US politics became more progressive and forward-thinking. And maybe having a Democrat in power will be better than having a Republican (but I can't say for sure).
  12. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I'm not saying he shouldn't be running, I'm also not saying he shouldn't win. On some bases, I beleive he should.

    Also, it's not exactly going to be a surprise in the case he does get shot. If he doesn't, it will be a miracle we all will be grateful for. (Also, you do realize that if you simplify 60/40, which is what you are actually supposed to do with odds, you get a 3/2 chance? Just saying.)

    Very ture, but not the only motive out there. There's many that I haven't even mentioned.

    Not to burst your bubble, but it is highly unlikely he will be shot, maimed, or attacked in any way until he is inaugurated. It is then morons could make the most out of their Anarchist attacks. Also, it must have been great to see him up close! You actually spoke with him? My mother has a friend, who is in fact Hispanic and is actually motivated by Obama's run for Presidency that he may even run after he serves as a senator(He's not even a Senator yet.xD), but yet he is voteing for McCain, and is in fact even pictured with him. Not a "I"mAHUGE FAN!" picture, an actual photograph! So it's pretty obvious, Obama's race has next to to nothing to do with his popularity voteing, but in a good way. Nobody wants to be a race monger.

    There are many things I don't agree with Obama on. But yet, he's congenlient(Sp?), a morale boost for the ethnic soup that is America, and also the fact he rarely uses his race, which is actually more popularly termed "Oreo", as he is both Black and White, which gives him even more understanding amonsgt the people, as a running "steroid".

    In this way, Obama has his faults, McCain has his faults, but yet they are most likely the best run-for-President Candidates the States have ever seen. Kerry continuously barrated Bush, and the Bush Adminastrastion(To note it wasn't actually Bush) barrated back. Kerry was untrustworthy, a hypocryte to his own religion and a traitor to his country, even though he claime dto have fought for it. (As if, he sold out the country to Vietnam during the war, and when the American side won, Kerry sold out the Vietnamese to the States, saying how primitive they were and how vile their ways were.)
  13. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    Where are you getting your research from? Your basis, your ideas?
    The whole Oreo concept is completely out of it...
    and the Kerry thing...wheres your research for this?
    I just want to ask do you consider yourself democratic or republican?
  14. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    A thing called logic, clear-thinking. Understanding, as alot of people call it.

    Out of it, but not all that out of it. He's Black, but White. The term "Oreo" is not one of my favorite terms, but it fits Obama.

    An excellent book by Bill Sammon titled Strategery, a well thought-out, tale of truth in our President.

    Republican, but yet there's alot of things I hate about conserveratism. I guess you could call me a "Liberal Republican", but you'd have to keep it quite, *Shush*.
  15. Repliku Chaser

    The 25th Amendment is where if a President becomes ill, disabled or dies the VP can assume the position of power of Presidency.
  16. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i don't understand, what is there to debate about? and what is with the Amendment numbers? i really don't get it, please connect the dots for me. but i suppose i won't watch on TV whether he is elected or not, i NEVER watch ANY presidents give speeches or anything, i think the speeches are too boring.
  17. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    xD I can second that [sometimes]...

    The chances of him being assassinated after he becomes president is very likely, unfortunately. And there are plenty of idiotic extremists who would do it too. As for motives, I can assume that his ideas and views will be a huge factor, his race/religion perhaps [though less likely] and an extreme Hilary supporter. However, I feel that he will not be assassinated, as people are no longer rebellious like they were back in the 60's. People I think have enough sense to not pull something stupid like this . . . or am I placing too much faith in humanity?

    Honestly, the question of watching Obama Live on TV if he becomes president is really childish. I'm not directing that towards you BS, but to those who feel that they cannot watch him on TV merely because he was not their choice of candidate who's become president. It's extremely childlike. As for me, I'd definitely watch him on TV, even if I'm a hardcore republican. He after all is the president, and when he gives a speech, I'm sure he has something important to say. I cannot just declare that I won't see the man Live just because he wasn't my choice of president. What will I be afraid of? His face? Nah . . . I see no logic in that. It's plainly immature.
  18. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    really? it seems like everyone likes him, allow me to be immature for a second but i think the reason SO many people like him is because Oprah Winfrey does and EVERYONE thinks she's right, sorry that was immature of me, lol
  19. Repliku Chaser

    A lot of people are extreme and -hate- Obama or McCain. They also hated Hillary. There are always the middle ground people who don't go all nutty over the stuff. I've seen people who love one of the candidates and so must seem to have to hate the others. I do lean more towards Obama for the vote but I can't say I'm that against McCain either. However, these elections, with all the cutdowns and insults are just the way they are. Whoever is President, we should want to see on TV if the news is important enough.
  20. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Liking Obama merely because Oprah likes him is like Monkey see, Monkey do, however, it is a possibility. EM_89, you've said nothing immature, but rather pointed out something; the general public has become somewhat of a zombie follower of others, who choose their opinions on the basis of others, and which is just sad. Oprah is/has become a great icon of “righteousness†in our community and everyone does love her, and consider her opinion as facts, so it really would not be surprising if people are leaning towards Obama merely because of her. It might be considered an overgeneralization to say such a thing, but the truth is that it does happen.

    I still stand by what I said about watching him Live. Choosing not to watch him give a speech is pointless. Not watching Obama on TV will not magically change the President to the runner-up. YES, you support the man, or NO, you don't support the man, and you cast your vote according to that . . . But that has NOTHING to do with watching him Live. I don't support Bush, but it certainly doesn't mean that I refuse to see his face on TV. He is president, he speaks Live because he has something significant to announce, and as citizens it's important for us to know about it. Now, I have personally seen people switch off the channels because Bush was giving a speech, so these extreme people do exist and these pointless actions seem nothing less than childish to me. The public has become way too personal about the elections this year, and it's a little sad.
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