Would you be interested? If not I'd just list it on eBay, but I do have some stuff people might be interested in. Off the top of my head: 16GB PATA hard drive 150GB SATA hard drive EasyCAP capture device... thing Dazzle DVC170 + Pinnacle Studio 11 Old Logitech webcam New Logitech microphone Two microphones that are old as hell So basically junk, I'm just trying to do a little fall cleaning? lol. I'd give you guys good prices because I like you <3 Might include some old games or books in here, have to go through them.
For how much would you be selling that EasyCAP and 150 GB HD? I've been needing a nice big hard drive for a while now.
I'd be interested in the hard drive, maybe a decent mic. people keep bitching about the quality of mine.
Spoiler 1. Seagate 160GB HD ~ unsure if working, can test 2. Western Digital 16GB HD ~ unsure if working, can test. MIGHT BE CLAIMED. 3. Logitech webcam ~ purchased in around 2007-2008. Was working last time I tried it, it's been sitting in my closet since it was disconnected so I doubt it's broken. 4. Old ass microphone. Actually apparently works well. To provide a sample recording, I did the following: called the call testing service in Skype, recorded the call with what I use to record the site's podcasts (so the quality should be good). I could've just recorded in audacity but I wanted to give you guys an idea of what you'd sound like to others. If you're really curious I don't mind doing a quick Skype call with the microphone with you. THIS IS TRUE FOR ALL MICROPHONES. 5. Old ass microphone #2. Actually apparently works well. To provide a sample recording, I did the following: called the call testing service in Skype, recorded the call with what I use to record the site's podcasts (so the quality should be good). I could've just recorded in audacity but I wanted to give you guys an idea of what you'd sound like to others. If you're really curious I don't mind doing a quick Skype call with the microphone with you. THIS IS TRUE FOR ALL MICROPHONES. 6. EasyCAP. Working last I used it, decent quality though the framerate can be a little jumpy. The wires are protruding from the actual device because I cracked it open to improve airflow. Hasn't been used in a while, it'd be tough for me to provide a test recording, but I might still have the old ones I did. 7. Logitech microphone. To provide a sample recording, I did the following: called the call testing service in Skype, recorded the call with what I use to record the site's podcasts (so the quality should be good). I could've just recorded in audacity but I wanted to give you guys an idea of what you'd sound like to others. If you're really curious I don't mind doing a quick Skype call with the microphone with you. can provide for the other stuff laters, might have more to dump
I was totally waiting for some "sell me your body" jokes. I walk away disappointed. (FOR A GOOD REASON CASS IS A BRIGHT YOUNG LASS.)
It was a Christmas present so I really don't know. The 160GB HD has probs been taken tho, sorry guys.