If Christianity never existed, how would the world have changed?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Graxe, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City

    RARARARARG! I'm reading all of your posts likea------likea.........Human being

    Would help if you didn't stamp something on my religion that reads "All of those guys are wrong".
    Would help if you didn't read my posts wrong, when I'm not reading anything wrong at all.
  2. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    There are limitless possibilities for this kind of question that you have been answering, because the events that occurred since the advent of Christianity have been greatly affected by the church and religious sentiments. If I had to say in short, we'd probably be having this conversation on a different kind of forum about some other religion. People know how to be doormats that'll do it for anyone who has enough charisma to be a modern day singer. So yeah, the world wouldn't be a hugely different place we are all human when all is said and done and we think of the same things over and over again, if it's not one religion it'd be another causing basically the same effect even if trivial human constructs like borders and territory aren't exactly the same.

    I feel an illogical urge to say that you should probably be a bit more calm and gracious when you're supposed to be discussing something BaseSebastian. I know coming from a sarcastic, nonbeliever like myself it may seem a bit laughable, but seriously consider trying not to make yourself look like an egotistical, insecure, and ignorant person. It's neither conducive to a cogent argument nor is it really attractive.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    I don't believe in your religion or God. It is my opinion just as yours is that God exists. If you take offense to the fact I don't believe in your system and that members here bring up historical points, too bad. I'm not putting you down for your beliefs. If you get put down it's going to be for your ego and closed-mindedness. You gloss over my posts and others so that you miss the finer points of what was being said. Did you even see that I said the time period was violent and therefore probably events would have been so whether or not Christianity was the religion of choice which many deeds were carried out in the name of? I would guess not.

    Instead we get treated to a BWAHAHA..etc that is ******ed and makes probably every Christian roll his/her eyes too and they have hopes no one will judge them off this ignorance and spewed hatred. Maybe you should think on that. There are many Christians and people of other religions or a lack thereof that post here and do so with decency, respect, calmness, rationality etc. They have my utmost respect. Some of the friends I have met here are Muslim and Christian as well as Atheist and Agnostics. Big surprise, huh? Think before you judge others. And if this area is too free thinking for you and you don't like what is said it is staying the way it is. So either pop up a seat and get used to the concept and relax or there's the door.
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    -_-...When subjects are this tedious, nobody appreciates a laugh anymore. Jeez, i'm trying to make light of a situation, and G-damnit, I'm being treated like a stupid ******. Mah Fellow Amer-i-cans, I mean, kh-vid-i-ans, I'm just trying to make people who are only passing by laugh while they're laughing at what you guys are going on about.

    I also have friends of different religions. My Step-father was at one time Aethist, though not the extremist-type that I just lurve. He's begining to come back to the church after 25-or-something years. I appreciate you, Repliku, acknowledge the existence of God, but you're not comeing across as such a nice guy with your posts neither.

    When in doubt, go to the second the Ten Commandments of-----------------
    Jim Carrey

    II. Thou shalt make people laugh
  5. Repliku Chaser

    You aren't a stupid ******. I just didn't, nor did someone else, think your comments here were jokes. If they were though, I apologize. I am normally a nice person but there's a line for me that when people cross it, I'm not going to take that. I just think you aren't reading our posts as well as you should because no one here is militant against religion even though some of us don't believe in it. I'll back off though and hope this conversation can continue in a more pleasant tone.
  6. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Sorry but, this is supposed to be INTELLIGENT discussion. I'm not calling you stupid, but this isn't the section for jokes.
  7. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Intelligence is such a funny word, don't you think. No PUN intended. after all, one shouldn't JOKE when others are CLOBBERING themselves and others.

    Could you ACTUALLY read the last PM I sent you? I mean, if you're going to leave the issue we were talking about on hostile grounds, so be it pal. I mean, you yourself said you weren't going to "bother" with me anymore because I noted something thoughtful about your sig. I mean, why couldn't you just get a picture of Wall-E or Sora, or something?
  8. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    I love how you try to be all super christian yet have a Bruce Almighty avatar. That movie was just making fun of your religion. Seriously, you're in here making jokes and what not. This is intelegent discussion so say something worth while.You seem quite hostile towards pretty much everyone in this thread who disagrees with you. You're being a smart ass and there is a difference between being a smart ass and being intelegent. I'm not saying you are stupid, I'm saying your acting stupid.
  9. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006

    Sorry. Had to. Feel free to delete this post. XD
  10. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Please explain how the lack of Christianity would have prevented WWII to happen. Religion played a part in WWII yes but it was largely a political war as well. You're focusing too much on the fact that Jews were targeted. Hitler and the Nazis also targeted the handicapped, Gypsys, people of mixed race, etcetc. Anyone that was not fitting into their 'Aryan ideal', anyone not proven to be racially pure was sentenced to death.

    Hitler and the Nazis were Catholic but they ultimately abolished Christianity and set up their own religion to suit their own purposes. The whole 'Thou shalt not kill' rule got in the way of what they were doing. So out Christianity and the Pope(who signed the document to make Hitler dictator of Germany btw.) went.

    Jokes are all well and good. But so far all you're doing is make people not like you. It would help you to look Intelligent and not look like an idiot in this section. And no one is clobbering anyone here, not that I've witnessed. All we're doing is having a discussion about wether or not the world would have changed if Christianity were to not exist.

    And I think it would be a better place. However, there would just be another religion in it's place that would do the majority of the same things. Human being are competitive about certain things and their beliefs are one of those things. Someone has to have the better divine being.
  11. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Why exactly does everyone believe the world would be better? huh?

    Tell me right now, DAMN IT! If I wasn't foaming at the mouth earlier, I am now!

    I am sick and tired of THE WORLD placeing the stamp on the Church. Those monsters are NEVER WRONG! If they are told they are wrong, they ignore the truth, and continue to spread a plague!

    You may hate me, but I'm the only one makeing sense.

    "The world would be a better place!" Ha! Ignore the cliche', but: FOOLISH MORTALS!

    I am Intelligent. Although some might say I am not, simply becuase I am Catholic. After all, do we not eat flesh and blood. Are we not mindless zombies? Well, of course we are! That piece of grey matter between two slabs of CEMENT can't think any otherwise, can it??

    In case none of you noticed, I'm ticked. You need not quote me; that's sarcasm.

    For another thing, "Bruce Almighty", thanks to the CLOD that brough it up, was not actually a movie that opposed the church. Just because Morgan Freeman played God doesn't mean Catholics were against it! Anyone with a BRAIN-STEM could figure this out! God could be anyone he wanted; a face in the crowd. Does it matter if he's depicted as a black man? A BLACK MAN THAT DID A DAMN GOOD PERFORMANCE!

    You guys really aren't worth my time on this subject. I thought I might have been actually able to get SOMEONE, ANYONE to use that strange tool above the neck, but God doesn't exist. The End.
  12. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    Um...because it's thier opinion and I'm pretty sure most of them had things to back thier opinions.

    And the world is sick of the church trying to reach out to those outside the doors and controll thier lives. You believe God gives us all a choice, so let us have it.

    No. You are the only one making no sense. You pretty much called on non christians monsters. That's a sin.

    No. Just no.

    You make no sense. No one said being catholic made you stupid, the things you are saying make you seem stupid.

    Yeah sure good for you.

    1. You are ignorant 2. I didn't bring up catholics, I said that movie was a big joke about christianity 3. I have a brain-stem. I have a brain. I use mine. You don't. You can think but you can't think criticaly and you don't know how to look at the problem from different stand points so you might as well be blind 4. I did not bring up race. I am black you ignorant fool. Honestly, Jesus was probably dark skinned, he did live in the middle east after all so it's possible. You are just bringing up unrelated things and making your self seem ignorant(Yes, I'm gonna keep using this word)

    If we aren't worth your time why do you keep posting. We are using our brains, but you arent. I didn't say God doesn't exist. I believe in God, but I don't believe in your method of trying to push God on people who don't want it. Everyone has thier opinion, deal with it.
  13. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    A+, in ignoring everything I said.

    The only reason i freakin' come here is on my way to General Discussion. yeah, I guess I need a little control over TEMPTATION don't I?


    I mean, am I the only one seeing your being the cruel kid trying to push down the kid that retaliated in defense?
  14. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  15. Repliku Chaser

    Not all of us said it would be -better-. However, without Christianity, it certainly wasn't going to be worse.

    Get used to disappointment. Just as you can say Atheists and even Christians who beileve in God but don't like the Church are -monsters-, ...I can say this. We aren't the ones who have used God as an excuse to get away with crimes and we stand on our own two feet. We take the blame for what we do and aren't going to defend -every- Atheist or -every- Christian, Jew, Agnostic, Buddhist, Daoist or whatever if they do something wrong. We also aren't going to assume people associated with us by affiliation of religion makes them decent people. The Church did crimes against humanity. You can't cope with that, too bad. Find a religion that hasn't dropped innocent blood or keep working to change your own religion to be more peaceful. Stop foaming at the mouth.

    No, you aren't. You are defending a Church. An ideal. We are discussing what the effects of a world without Christianity would be like and if you would stop being an over-sensitive nut, you'd see that people have varying opinions and there was no need to go all rabid.

    I am a foolish mortal. I have no shame in saying so. I will know only what I have learned in the limited amount of my lifetime. It will certainly be more than you though if you continue to be as closed-minded as you are and don't get out of this stagnation you have put yourself in. Whether religious or not, if you want to waste your time on hatred and spewing nonsense, that's your choice. I'll be studying and learning more with the remainder of my foolish mortal years. Kthx.

    No, you are a foolish mortal. No one said you were stupid because you are Catholic. AGAIN stop throwing out the Martyr card. I am SO SICK of people tossing it out and going 'woe is me..you hate me because I'm this'. Screw that. It's not true. You aren't even hated at all. Your behavior is what we don't like right now. Lastly, you are in the MAJORITY. You don't have a right to toss out the 'you hate me because I'm Christian/Catholic' card. Seriously, just stop it. You don't know what it is to be a minority and those of us who are sure aren't willing to whine like this.

    If you want respect, you give respect. You want to get red in the face and spurt out stupid crap, others are going to refute it because they aren't ticked off and out of control like you are being. Take a breath.

    Uh...where does the black guy come into it? Morgan Freeman is one of my favorite actors but really... I think you could have 'won' this debate by simply saying that Bruce Almighty was a way of religious and non- religious people getting a laugh at some Christian jokes and the majority of Christians did not find the movie offensive. The end. See how hard that was to present to the person who said what he did? If Christians didn't find it offensive and accepted the humor...you show you took the humor as did others and weren't mad. ...Where the hell does 'black man playing God' come from? Why was it even necessary?

    If using that strange tool above the neck means 'accepting God is real' or 'believing in God as I do' ...aren't you a demanding one? Whining how everyone beats down the doors of your church and yet we are 'stupid' if we don't think as you do? Righteo. I'm going to surmise some of this was sarcasm.

    Again, Christians and all sorts of people of varying beliefs post here. Chill out with the rotten talk and temper. I'm getting sick of trying to decipher sarcasm or stupidity at this point. Consider this a warning now to simmer down and take a breather. Come back when you are calm and rational and want to -talk- AND listen. You haven't listened yet and only pick apart what you want to. You can do better than this, Base. Take a break.