If Christianity never existed, how would the world have changed?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Graxe, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Got this idea when I was watching something about replacing evolution with creationism in schools. Basically it's what the title says. If the Christitan religion was never started way back in the time of the Roman Empire. What would be some of the different causes and effects of some major or minor events? How would it effect and change the lives of people in the past, present, and future?
  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    There'd be different reasons for the events that transpire. Of course, this would also mean that life now wouldn't be even close to the same as it would had we not had Christianity.

    We're a selfish species. We like to make a big deal out of things; surely we would have had some kind of alternative.
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    You can't say what it would be like, it's like trying to explain what music and its essence sounds like to a deaf man, you can't ever describe it accurately.

    Though I guess we would have had more Buddhists, Muslims, etc types of relegions to take up the people who would have been Christian, and we might have even seen the rise of a different relegion that doesn't exist in this reality but maybe another.
  4. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    More other religions would be common.

    This is a little offensive to Christians though, since you are saying "IF it never existed".
    This doesn't mean you are going to get de-repped though.
  5. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    the only thing i really can tell people is that the conspiritory group "The Illuminati" mightn't have existed.
    According to certain research the Illuminati was created by Galileo Galilee when the christians prosecuted
    him and confined him to home.He designed the Illuminati to destroy the christian church.He and a sculpture were said to have massed a great amount of followers and concocted the assasinations of the popes of past.This is not completely certain because some say the illuminati started even before the birth of jesus.
  6. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    That probably would be the case.

    However, what most likely would have equated to today if Catholicism (The actual root of christianity) had never been created by THE APOSTLES (Keep in mind, they were but human, and all the words of Christ might have died before pentecost that year if the Holy Spirit had not entered the Apostles on the day of Pentecost), America would not exist, neither would numerous other countries. Muslim and Islamic religions would no doubt be non-existant. Muslim and Islamic traditions are mainly based upon the prophet Muhamed, who had seen God and Jesus in a dream. America would not exist in the way we know it, because many of the founding fathers were Catholics before sadly turning to Masonry, with thus they would not have the knowledge of what is right and wrong, since they would have never been Catholic.

    Oh, and we'd have even more mini-malls, McDonalds, Burger Kings, etc....Condos would be more around.....I'm sorry, I just imagined what my own usual Parish that I go to would look like if what you said had occured.
  7. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Buddha lived before Christ. He based many of his teachings on Hinduism. Anyway, Islam may not have existed (or not the way it is here), America would certainly be different, the Crusades wouldn't have happened...it's too big to think about.
  8. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    My thoughts exactly. Either that or Muslim. As Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are all extremely similar religions.
  9. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    If Christianity never existed we would probably be sat here saying "I wonder how the world would be if X religion never existed".

    It is a question that you can't really an swer with a definite answer, besides, if it never existed we wouldn't know any different.

    Religion faith and belief systems are a fundamnetal part of the evolution of the mind, if there was never Christianity there would be something else.

    I don't think a great deal would have changed.
  10. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    In this world, there is less violence because of many religions. Christianity is the major one. It it disappeared, there would be more violence, killings, stealing, and more.
  11. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    I just laughed, very hard.

    There's more conflict and war, more death caused due to religious matters then any other source.
  12. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    More wars have been fought in the name of religion than pretty much anything else. Violence is often caused by religion, no I worded that wrong, Religion isn't such a bad thing, religious people are.

    Religion isn't the problem, the problems are extremists who use religion as a shield to hide behind when they commit cromes and violent acts.

    I really disagree though that there would be more violence without religion. Majorly disagree, sorry.
  13. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I hate working with What Ifs, especially ones this big. They are completely pointless and impossible to fathom. The world as we know it would probably be fundamentally different, considering Christianity (in all its many guises) has meddled in most things.

    There would be more in other religions, possibly even new religions and a higher proportion of atheists/agnostics as well. There would be less violence, no Crusades, people would have more money, there would be less over-crowding (population wise) and science and technological advances could well be much further ahead.

    No-one will ever know anyway, so why does it matter?
  14. Repliku Chaser

    I'd have to say that we could theorize on it, but it's really hard to think of a random outcome that makes much logical sense. I think it's nearly safe to say though that people's views back then were quite violent and even if Christianity had not evolved out of it, Islamic followers and Romans would have had more clashes or something else may have taken its place, some other religion may have been born, or just the Romans would have continued expansionism as they would have. I can't say there would be more peace or less peace because of the way the times were wrought full of fighting and not just over religion, but also expansionism.

    Xephos, I clearly must disagree with you here. In most religions, the clause of fighting for deities gave people many excuses to get regular people involved in atrocities throughout history. Christianity did not help in bringing peace. Peaceful people sick of war, revolutions, and changes in systems that were set up super dogmatic is the reason why we have more peace today. Members of society were sick of oppressive religions, kings that were corrupt etc. Religion didn't make people more peaceful. People made people more peaceful.

    This of course is also why I can't say without Christianity though that things would have faired better. With people expanding outwards more, crossing into other territories, pillaging, taking dominance over, etc the wars of Roman times weren't just about religion. The Dark Ages etc became much more focused on that issue and trying to weed 'outsiders' out. However, that too would crumble. In a way I think that it was history's time of war and if it wasn't one religion that spurned it, it may have been others, but it wasn't -just- religion and we also need to keep in mind it was people's failures to integrate, accept other societies as equals and well...care about others outside their circles off influence. It was also a great time of expansionism.
  15. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Clicked here, didn'tja?
    And You're Ugly, so there.

    Let's hear round of applause for one of the ooooonly people actually saying stuff that isn't comeing out of their **** tract.

    Are we forgetting nut-cases who even today kill people, tracking them down and gutting them like human fishes, just because they're Catholic, or some other religion they just some day decided they didn't like? There's not alot of nice things I can say for "Atheists of America." For one thing, they've avsolutely RUINED the fascheion indostrey. Nobody can even vear Vlack and Red anymore, COME ON PEOPLE! For another, they're just plain-out annoying. "I don't want to spend my tax dollars on a bumper plate that says "I believe; [I'd rathe be spending my tax dollars screwing everyone over.]"

    I have a better idea. Let's ask ourselves the question "If Atheism never existed." Say "So long troubles and woes! There's now something called "Freedom of Religion!"

    Think I'm ranting about ALL the Atheists. Sorry, can't bash me there. I hate it when people say "Those religious people are nuts." Truth is, the more religious you are, the better of you feel; if you blow things WAAAAAAY out of proportion, you hate you, other Overly-religious people hate you, and everyone else hates you. Not to mention God hates how much your useing you soul like a rag to wipe up fecal matter.

    Yeah, who here has actually bothered to think what God thinks about this question? Well, I didn't. The mind of God? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too deep to fathom. But then again, there's also people who can't see past the end of their conk and take said conk out of prior-mentioned **** tract, who say He doesn't exist. (If you boast an arguement, I suggest you plan to live a Re-eh-eh-eeeeeeeally long life, 'cause Hell and Pergatory doesn't end. Nu-uh. It's the gift that keeps on given, baby.

    I keep hearing all this complaining about "The Crusades" and other wars "caused", allegedly, by my client----er---my religion. Truth is folks, nearly all the good Popes down the line have made public apologies about the Crusades. It'd be freakin' awesome if anyone could accept this fact, but I have my doubts.

    So, are we just going to keep on yammering, or could we stop trying to answer an unanswerable question. AHHHHHHlrighty then, buh-bye now.
  16. Repliku Chaser

    Someone is a ticked off religious person that was obviously offended somewhere along the lines. Let's get a few things straight here.

    So where are these nutcases mostly coming from? People who are religious and take things too far. Who doesn't stop them? Other people that are religious. They don't dare tell others how to believe in God, do they? Not unless it's on the news where newscasters try to go against some nut cases by pulling out the Bible and so can the nutcases. Ah, something gets resolved there. What? Nothing as usual.

    The fashion industry is ruined by Atheists? Uh...women would be wearing dresses down to their ankles still if it wasn't for people who fight convention. They'd also be covering their face. It isn't just Muslims that those clothes come from. Women still get told what they can and can't wear by Christian men who apparently can't control themselves without God telling them rape is bad. And I personally love black and red. I wear it all the time. Nothing wrong with those colors or anything else.

    You want a bumper sticker that says "I believe" and want to put fish all over your car or do whatever else, go ahead. There was no point in people paying TAXES for a freaking license plate for religious zealots. We don't have one with an evolution sign on it, do we? We can't. What makes Christians so special that Atheists can't have a symbol, Buddhists can't, Muslims can't, Hindus can't...but they can? Oh those poor Christian zealots who whine that life isn't fair. Toss out the martyr card some more, would ya? Realize America is for Americans of many backgrounds and religions or no religion. Why should -WE ALL- pay for your religion? Buy your own stickers and stuff. A government ran facility shouldn't be selling religious propaganda. Especially only one type.

    There would be no freedom of religion if it wasn't for people that were Agnostic, Atheist, and of minorities that fought for equality against Christian oppression. You act like Christians did the work and if everyone just went along with the grand scheme there'd be freedom of religion. Yeah...freedom of ONE religion. Wake up some, ok? If others didn't do the work and fight fanatic Christians, including other Christians that wanted peace and for terror to cease, sorry buddy, but your freedom of religion wouldn't exist.

    Ah, so the more religious a person is the better he/she feels? Some people also feel very suicidal. Religion can help some people feel better and some feel worse. The more fanatical someone is, they may feel something of exuberance but always at the cost of other people's freedoms. Religion can be a comfort and should be but it isn't always. Otherwise a lot of people today wouldn't feel ostracized and abused by religion nor would people of the past fought to be able to worship God how they wanted to etc. You are blowing things way out of proportion. The happiest people around are those that find inner peace either with or without religion and they learn tolerance, acceptance, benevolence and caring.

    Also, your last comments, you are now exaggerating and making no sense whatsoever. You need evidence that fanatic Christians are a problem? Oh yes, the person who doesn't care about gays doesn't also care that funerals are being desecrated because some Christians can't shut up and let a gay or a soldier be buried and let their families have closure. Some Christians are going about stealing and burning things that are 'evil' to them. Some Christians want to change everything this country stands for and their 'vote' matters. I'm sorry, but as long as there are fanatics like that around, EVERYONE, including regular Christians should be speaking out against the crap. YOU as a Christian should be doing more against them but you know what? You won't, because you are too busy targeting Atheists or anyone that doesn't agree with your view and that Atheists are attacking -ALL- Christians which simply is not true. Again, stop throwing out the martyr card. You do it so often I assume you have a full deck there at hand and play solitaire with it.

    Whether God exists or not is a personal choice to believe. You sir are ranting at nothing because if you believe, you do. If you don't, you don't. Who cares? I could care less whether someone believes in something I consider a big imaginary friend. I still care about the PERSON whether I believe in his/her personal God or not. This is something you seem to have trouble with. Most Atheists do not harbor ill will to MOST Christians. They go after Christians that spout off stupid crap like this for attention and toss out martyr cards while trying to attack others for views. Get your facts straight. Also, I don't believe in Hell. Prove it exists. You cannot prove it exists anymore than I can prove it doesn't exist. So just simmer down there buddy and take a chill pill. You're challenging a world that really doesn't give a crap. A personal choice is just that. You can't scare anyone with something like this. Most Atheists are this way because we were -scared- with Hell so much it lost its effects.

    So what if people apologize? The crimes of history still exist. Do we hold the current pope at fault for the Crusades of the past? No. We hold the fact that Christianity is a religion based on war as the problem and that if it wasn't for kinder hearted Christians of today, it would still be such. Unfortunately, we have Evangelical Christian groups that want to revive people on how to be stupid sheep and followers and do acts that border on terrorism and are definitely fascist. Has the Catholic Church toned down? Oh HELL YES it has. Why? Because many Christians and non-Christians alike told it to or else it was going to go the way the Kings and Queens of the past did. Revolutions happened because of oppressive religion. THAT is why religions are in some ways far more toned down. A lot of blood was poured to make religions back off and stop running people's lives. I feel the Catholic Church is so much better for it. Even if they did help in WW II to evacuate German Nazis and even if they did try to say pedophiles are above the law because they are of the cloth. They certainly don't try to utterly now terrorize science and exploration as much as they used to and also most Catholics I meet aren't all fire and brimstone like you are being now.

    Lastly... "we can keep on yammering or could we stop trying to answer an unanswerable question"...

    I laugh at this...want to know why? This is exactly what any -thinking- and rational person will try to do. We will try to analyze and think about the unanswerable questions. Even if we don't come up with answers, are they things to explore? Why not? Philosophy and science are all about that. There's nothing even wrong with being religious and questioning the unanswerable question. It shows you have a -brain-. If you want to be a follower, you do that. Some of us are leaders in our lives and -that- makes us happy whether we are religious or not. We are FREE THINKERS.
    Amen to that.
  17. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    The first thing that comes to mind is that WWII never would've happened.
  18. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Longest piece of spam I've seen in a while. Good job man.
  19. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Well here's the shortest.

    Preists apparently waste their time "Spamming in Churches". People trying to show others the errors of their ways, while trying to find their own faults, "Spam".

    Take the time to actually read that PM I sent you.
  20. Repliku Chaser

    Priests who talk in churches are doing the -right- thing. Priests that try to convert people and bother them outside of churches are doing the wrong thing. Would help if you'd read the posts here and responded without foaming at the mouth.