mistysocks So I realized I actually have enough money to impulse buy ME3 for PS3 should I do this y/n (Also do you have to unlock anything in multiplayer or multiplayer itself)
Yes. There are more than enough people who own it to make a weekly ME3 date a legit thing. Also idk, I just hope you have the option from the beginning ;-;
I get annoyed when they have holes in them, but other than that, I am neutral to socks.[DOUBLEPOST=1366405479][/DOUBLEPOST] I just bought it, and I'm downloading it
You don't have to unlock multiplayer but you do need an online pass for it, so just keep that in mind if you're buying used! I'm going to play some more tonight, took a break to eat, so if anyone wants to play send me a PSN invite. I've also made a social group for ME3 stuffs: http://kh-vids.net/social-forums/mass-effect-3-multiplayer.5/
Well the game's less than $20 on Amazon (don't buy it in ANY store unless you want to spend at least double) http://www.amazon.com/Mass-Effect-3...=1366411773&sr=8-1&keywords=Mass+effect+3+ps3 Thank god for gift cards <3
DANG MAN IM GONNA JOIN IN EDIT: I can't skype or whatever youre doing because I messed up my laptops wireless network adapter lmao then again this thread did start at 4:00