I've basically got the afternoon to hang out and I wanted to get some use out of my fat PS3. Anyone wanna play? I've got a bunch of different titles, so just ask and we'll see.
Wanna try to get another huge group together? I'd be game if we could. >:3 Oh, Nate is my babe. I've got two and three. also plz don't judge me b/c I am like the biggest tomboy
If you want some use out of your PS3 then there are many controversial things you could do with it >:3 Like bake it and see what happens, see if it floats, see what you can insert into the disk space before it breaks and stack things on it :3 Who says you need to just play games.
But then my baby would die at six ;-; R.I.P. Fatty PS3 2007-2013 You monster, go jump in ur sludge >:3
Fatty? Poor PS3 ;-; don't let it hear you say that. I put a scratched DVD in mine and then it stopped and now it won't play DVD's. I like your thinking! I don't know why I didn't think of this.
I would, but I have Doctor Who to watch, so I won't be able to make it to your PS3 party. Also, I won't have a PS3 until mid or late May thanks to the IRS being super slow.
Maybe because it was afraid of what you'd try. Also, it's one of the old PS3's. Fatty is just a term of endearment for the old gal.