Kingdom Hearts idoit riku

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX' started by NeoJecht, Dec 8, 2006.

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  1. NeoJecht Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 27, 2006
    On the Edge of the Empire
    um if you mean riku than yes but id really dont hate him geeze everyone get off my back shees i think that cloud is better than him and jecht (not me the on from ff10) is cooler than him
  2. A Shining Armour Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 21, 2006
    Cockpit of the Falcon Peak ^_^
    Well, I think my opinion has pretty much been voiced in this matter. Riku was by no means an idiot--a fool, arrogant, headstrong and proud... but these are all qualities that were evened out by his caring for Sora and Kairi, his genuine curiousity, his strength of heart and final courage and sense of duty, especially to Sora.

    Thus, he was flawed. Not moronic.

    He was never the "enemy" in Kingom Hearts... he was the Anit-Hero. There is a difference, but it's far too complex to explain in a post. Look it up. :P An anti-hero, a tragic hero even... they have purposes in a story, and act they way they do for reasons. He cared deeply for Sora, in my opinion in a brotherly sense, and seeing him no longer needing him wounded his pride.

    So he was full of himself. I personally admit that when angry enough, I know I can be arrogant. Does that make me an idiot? If it does, well, I'm not ashamed. That's just me. It's a flaw I can work on.

    Not neccassarily true. We look at artwork, and claim it's beautiful... why should digital art be any different? Admiring characters for good looks and such is fine, it's when it becomes and obsession... you know what I mean... that it becomes just a wee bit unhealthy. Just my opinion though.
  3. NeoJecht Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 27, 2006
    On the Edge of the Empire
    oh be quiet you beep beep beeep....... :o um sorry i do that when i get really tick or user make post to long and make my head hurt and he was an enemy in kh you fight him for peets sake just get off me fine to get rid of this post against me riku was not an idiot.............but still a jerk:p
  4. Niami Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2006
    ok, ppl. calm down.

    He WAS an idiot for going to d darkness at last minute. (I wanted 2 play as riku in kh1. Waaah!!!)

    He WASN´T an idiot cuz he thought he was helping Kairi by giving into the darkness becuz Malifi told him so, remember?

    Anyway, I still love him cuz he turned nice in CoM!!!!
  5. Mish smiley day!

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nuke York.
    Riku was badass in KH1. I liked him more because he went rogue. So I don't think he was an 'idiot'.

    I just had my two cents in before I declare this topic old and unneeded. xD We should definitely let it die now.
  6. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Rikus not an idiot, I think he wants to be evil but knows its wrong.
  7. NeoJecht Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 27, 2006
    On the Edge of the Empire
    who wants to be evil i mean in the fanfic im writing now memories com back to me from when i work for malifecent but thats off topic i admit rikus not a total idiot but has brain farts now and then but he is still a jerk to sora about the keyblade sheesh oh and sorry about the beeping:o
  8. Scarnox Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 24, 2006
    Ok, I know that people have really made it clear what they think, but I just gotta say something. I agree with Jecht that Riku was foolish for choosing darkness, but calling him an "idoit" is a little extreme. And also Jecht, other than the wooden sword thing, you dont have a lot of evidence to back up what you're saying,and the fact that every time another person gives a counter-argument you drift a little more towards what they say doesn't really make me feel like you really know what you're talking about. I'm just saying that for future reference, you should probably think before you spea- err type.
  9. Nol Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 2, 2007
    He was only trying to save Kairi and explore new worlds with Sora and Kairi. Except Ansem manipulated him into believing other things... But since what Ansem said worked out for Riku at the time (getting out of the Destiny Islands), you can see how Riku would believe in Ansem.

    Maleficent, had also struck at Riku's trust by bringing back Kairi's body. Although, Riku wanted to try saving her heart. While Sora was also trying to save her, but problems started happening when the two conflicted with each others methods.

    Now with his trust gone toward Maleficent and Ansem, he believed them and followed them.

    Riku was just too trusting. Does that make him a fool? Possibly. But he had good intentions and was just confused in the whole events with Sora and the KeyBlade.

    Also, Jecht, Riku has proven that even the Darkness isn't bad, and the Darkness can even be good. With the help of Mickey and DiZ, he has been shown the ways of both light and darkness.

    And about Cloud; you said that Riku's an idiot for turning to the darkness and believing Ansem/Maleficent or something, but Cloud was tricked by Hades too, remember? So how is Cloud so much better than Riku?
  10. Niami Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2006
    Nol. You rock!!
  11. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Guys... Keep on topic, please... *to Niami* Before I lock this for real. And don't start this into a bashing fest. *to some members who I won't mention*

    Personally, I think Riku just was desperate to help Kairi and it got the best of him. You could tell by the sound of his voice that he had given up when Ansem offered that.
  12. Niami Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2006
    Ok, read this ALL over again, and I have to say it:

    Riku was obviously tricked or something.

    Compare Riku from any other time before that night, he wasn´t like that! FROM MY POINT OF VIEW, (gonna sound like some of you ppl) he wanted to leave D.I., right? He probably saw the darkness to his advantage and kept on using it´s resources.

    It´s like eating chocolate, people. Once you start, it´s kinda hard not to say "One more bite" and keep to it. In both, you end up bad sided. Riku almost lost his heart to the darkness, while most of us lose our skin to chocolate.

    P.S. To Sara: Sorry, Sara.
  13. NeoJecht Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 27, 2006
    On the Edge of the Empire
    nol i never sayed anything about cloud the hades thing with him that im ok with cause he quit that after ceribus smashed him err steped on him oh and two or three more things nol shut up scarexx thanks for sortof agreeing with me sara dont lock this yet ill tell you when i get sick of this third riku is not a toldal idiot but has brain farts like every one but he just seems a bit boss and sara only like riku cause hes your avatar:(
  14. Nol Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 2, 2007
    You never said anything about the Cloud and Hades thing. I did. It's called an "example". I made an "example" to show that there's some irony in you thinking Cloud's better because you are biased, despite Cloud doing essentially the same thing. Cloud turned right again, so did Riku. How is it any different? You are biased towards Cloud.

    And um... I can't tell, but did you tell me to shut up or Scarnox? Telling someone to shut up without proving any points means that you can't think of a reason to prove them wrong and therefore they are right. >_>

    Lastly... How old are you? No offense, but you type and act like an eight year old...
  15. A Shining Armour Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 21, 2006
    Cockpit of the Falcon Peak ^_^
    Ooh well, since we're all keeping things friendly... ;)

    ... I must say, Nol has brought up some really good points. And I mean, I know this may be a dead topic but I for one do get overly passionate about defending things I like... including Riku. Not like fan girl love (:p no offence) but I mean... I admire his strength of heart so much.

    I think that it's so amazing that after everything he went through, he still turned good, he still found his way to the light, he still remembered his friends through it all... after all, he really was just desperate for an escape, for freedom. And I mean, as Tom Krause once said... "If you don't want it bad enough to risk losing it, then you don't want it bad enough."

    It has nothing to do with his badassness in my opinion... like... come on. No offence, but that sounds so... juvenile. I mean... badass is so slang it has no sustance to it of what so ever... so who the heck cares if their "badass"? Does it make Riku stronger then Sora? Smarter? Faster? You may say "cooler"... but what defines "cool"? So you'll understand why I don't consider that particular argument one of validity...
  16. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    Riku was desperete to find something more,,,more than his island or "Prision".
    So he did whatever he had to do to get out...and for seeking darkness to solve his problem he is yes,a "fool"...but we all make mistakes....he was being a is being human really so bad?because we all act stupid sometimes lawlz...
  17. NeoJecht Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 27, 2006
    On the Edge of the Empire
    first nol the shut up comment was for scaronx and i just think rikus stupid and cloud is smart second sara can you close this thread for me im sick of all this bashing and i am fourteen years old !!! i am insulted
  18. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    Then why did you post this....
    and a mod/admin to close....
  19. Anderson (☞゚∀゚)☞ You've lost the game.

    Nov 11, 2006
    Mt. Silver
    I wouldn't consider Riku an "idiot". He was only trying to find a way off the islands...just not the best way.
  20. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Jecht, you pushed it too far in the first place.

    Also, don't judge someone on their avatar.

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