Let's talk about idiots. Do people even have brains? There's plenty of parking on the other side of the street, and this truck has to park in front of our house. To make it worse, there's a trailer attached blocking at least half of the driveway. I think I can get out when I have to pick up my mom at my aunt's at 4:00 PM, but that's not the point. People need to use common sense, and common sense tells me I shouldn't park in front of a driveway regardless if there's a vehicle there or not. In my case, the car's still in the garage.
1. Beat up the owner of the truck. 2. Take keys. 3. Move truck away from your driveway. 4. Go pick up your mom. 5. ???? 6. Profit?
Okay, Amaury, we're friends and all, but it really irks me that just because they're wrong, they're automatically idiots. It makes you sound like your never made a mistake, and that's ridiculous.
Of course I make mistakes. I'm not saying that anytime someone makes a mistake, they're an idiot. It depends on the mistake. If it's something that causes an issue -- in this case, problems with me being able to get out later -- then they're idiots. If someone makes the mistake of going too fast down a hill on their bike and falls off, then they're not idiots because it doesn't affect others. Perhaps they misjudged the hill or something.
But how are they supposed to know what you're going to do? If they know that you're leaving at four and do it intentionally, then yeah, they're idiots, but this was just an honest mistake.
Of course, they can't be mind readers. However, like I said, common sense should tell you not to park in front of a driveway and block it, especially if it's empty. If it's empty, you should assume that their vehicle's either in the garage (if the person has a garage) and may at any point go out to run an errand or something or are gone and may arrive at any time.
Also, big parking space with one entrance. Someone parks infront of it so no one can park. *face palm* I never understood this person. It happened every week when we went to pick up my sister from dancing... every week! I don't know what happened to him/her.