So this morning, I was driving back home, after dropping off my mom at work, down the road that goes by US Bank, the bank we go to. As I get to the bank, this idiot woman just pulls out right in front of me from the bank's parking lot (she had been using the ATM) and royally, ROYALLY cuts me off. I must have laid on the horn for a good 10 seconds. Then just a little while ago after I dropped off my mom at work from lunch, just as I was pulling away from the little slot there where you can drop off / pick up people, someone came careening up to the stop sign at the intersection that's right there, and to make matters worse, he wasn't even looking my direction, the direction he would get hit from first. So I braked hard, honked, and raised my hand sort of and said, "Watch where you're going!" Obviously to him he just saw my mouth moving. As I pass him, he has the audacity to go, cutting off another car behind me, and honk at me.
It's happened to me before, one time while on my way to my parent's house who live out in the country. When I was about to turn off the main road onto the county road, some idiot ignored the stop sign and floored it across right in front of me. Closest call I've had in recent years.
my mom has backed into cars i've been in on two separate occasions sometimes the idiot is closer than we think
It's not aggressive. Watch the first two clips in this video as an example: Feel free to watch it all, of course.
This thread has prompted me to book further driving lessons. (after over a year since my last one) ;~;
Using it as a noise machine to let some, to quote you, "Idiot", know they have done something wrong in a situation that has already past sounds aggressive and unnecessary to me. But of course that person either doesn't know or doesn't agree with what they have done as wrong, and it's that way for every driver, even you. So "laying on the horn for 10 seconds" only makes a bad situation worse, solves nothing, and creates unnecessary noise for other drivers in the area.
Yeah, and that sucks, so hit it once quickly to make sure she knows you're there and be done with it. Don't hold it down for 10 seconds. At that point not only does she knows you're there, but she's probably annoyed with you even though you were not the one that caused the problem in the first place.
Two more idiots while I was out picking up my mom from work. That makes a total of four incidents today. On my way to get my mom, this guy slows down suddenly and turns right WITHOUT signalling; I gave a good honk. On the way back home with my mom, this guy suddenly pulls in to parallel park, and, again, no signal; I sped around them. Use your damn signal, people! No, it's not. You're just a scaredy cat.
I'm kind of a huge believer of not getting annoyed on the road because sometimes when people are in bad moods it effects their driving ability. I know for a fact when my mom is pissed she will back out of the driveway 90 mph. So instead of getting angry just be relieved that it might have been a close-call, but no one got hurt which is the only concern. Also, I've accidentally cut people off before. YES. IT HAPPENS. SOMETIMES US HUMANS MAKE MISTAKES. And I've only been told good things about my driving so tl;dr at least you're ok get over it people do the thing sometimes
One of my favorite books on the planet educated me on the proper use of a horn: ( there is, of course, a larger purpose for the anecdote within the story but ) tl;dr: use the horn to notify someone of your presence, not to piss them off further & make them drive worse
My mom is irritating. Just got into an argument with her because of another three incidents I had today, and she thinks I'm looking for them. Incident #1: On my way to the car wash after I dropped my mom off from lunch, I was at the end of my street at the intersection and there were a car and truck on the other side of the intersection that were still about a block back and hadn't stopped yet. I was waiting for traffic from my left and right to go by; as soon as the last car to my right went by I started going and the woman across from me that was going straight just went. I honked and was stuck blocking the intersection for a bit while I waited for her fat ass to clear. Note that I also had another car coming from my right who had to slow down for me because of the stupid ***** that cut me off. Incident #2: After picking my mom from work about 20 minutes ago and on our way home, at the intersection by US Bank, I was turning left and there was a woman across from me coming from a one-way street that was turning right. As I stopped, she still hadn't stopped, and as I start going, she goes and cuts me off -- albeit nothing major since I hadn't gotten going yet -- so I honked. I will give her credit, though, because she was at least considerate enough to wave. My mom and I start arguing. Incident #3: Still on the way home after picking up my mom, as I'm coming to another intersection to stop at the stop sign, this person cuts the corner and goes into my lane. I again honk, but also yell in the car, "Get in your lane!" It wasn't at the person, though, just random yelling. This is, of course, when the arguing intensifies and gets mad at me for getting mad at them. Moral of the story is that if someone does something wrong while driving, then I'm going to honk. It's as simple as that. My mom shouldn't get mad at me over it.