i think this go here i hope so :censor2: anways i make kingdom hearts chat room's on youtube when i have NOTING to do so that all the time i have no life lol So i make kingdom hearts chat room and i have NO idea. so any idea's for my chat room i'll make sure to put a thank you in the chat room :type:
The grammar nazis are at a loss for words... (BTW this is not a good thing). My attempt to fix it. That was pretty rough, but I think that is pretty close to right. Even so I'm not entirely sure what you are getting at. YouTube stopped providing chatrooms a while ago, I think. So I guess you mean that you have a video based chatroom elsewhere and you are looking for ideas of things to do in there?
they been makeing kingdom hearts chat room for a long time now lol sorry i just had no idea's for a chat room i just need help lol sorry
Please, before you make a chatroom, fix the grammar. The Grammar Nazis that will enter the chatroom will rage and leave.
"Nazis" not "Nazi's" you are pluralizing, not showing possession. Sorry, I had to with al this talk of grammar Nazism
Guys, play nice with the new member. Or I will rip appart every organ from your body, and make a nice organ meal for all of KHV to enjoy. But, no worries. I had no idea Youtube had chatrooms...so I can't really help you there.