Well aren't you a daredevil? O: I love ice cream! I've always wanted to try out some sea-salt ice cream after playing KH2. Looks so delicious.
Yea my brother searched kingdom hearts on wiki how and we found a recipe for seasalt ice cream. The author showed lots of pictures of the finished product it looked pretty good
I'm not a huge fan of ice cream, unless it's freaking hot outside, I'm just chilling and I have some gooood chocolate ice cream in front of me. That's perfect :3 Plus I would like to add Ben and Jerry's to this thread. I could rant all day about them. So from the start of the post to me saying I'm not a huge fan turns out to be a lie, and I needed this post to realise that.
You should definetely do that they have the best Ice cream in the world :DD try getting the wikihow app and search KH if you have an ipod. If you dont then just go to wikihow's website it should be there as well
Or who else would've thought to take chocolate covered cherries and make magically convert them into ice cream Cherry Garcia <3