Spent the morning, as some of you know, teaching some kids (3rd and 4th grade) about archaeology. I just got home now, and omg, it was so AWESOME D: It was so much fun, some of them had really good questions, some of them were little shits and it was annoying being asked about dinosaurs so much, but aside from that it was amazing. The school want me to go back and be more involved and stuff D: There is a whole little bunch of kids that now want to be archaeologists D: I am actually seriously considering doing a PGCE and becoming a teacher.
xD Dinosaurs, I am more interested in the old sea life fossils that I've seen. Some of them look weird.
Oh that sounds so cool. :'D I wish we had gotten fun guest speakers in Elementary school, but nooo, it was always the "hey guys ima teach you about electrical wires 2day k?" guys. If you can tolerate kids, teaching could be fun. I know that I want to, but I'm not sure if I could deal with small children all day long. o_o
I used to really want to be an archaeologist when I was little, I would have been hysterical if one had come to talk to us. xD I think you'd be a lovely teacher Kay :b
Ctr is Lara Croft, silly Also, I can't decide whether to become a Archeologist or a Disney Imagineer :/8D: Good thing I still have 4 years to think it over
I remember, people came to our school to talk about things like that. In preschool, one lady told us cavities were from bugs crawling on your teeth and pooping on them when you sleep D;