I have fealt lately that I have done something wrong or I have missed out on a big joke. Did I say something or do something faggetry to bring this upon myself or am I just a fagget to most people. Is it something I did? I'm sorry for whatever I did and to whoever I did it too. Is it something I posted? I'll stop posting whatever I posted. If I have done anything wrong or been a huge fagget I'm sorry, I guess I was and will possibly never be a social person and I always feel like I am missing a key part of the equation of being a social person. If it is the signature or the avatar that offends some people, I'm sorry. If it's oversized, I'll admit, I'm not a artist and that is why you can see that I have never posted in the Graphic Section. If it's because Sephiroth's on them, then I'm sorry I offend you. Is it the name? I'm sorry if the name offends people or seeems faggety, I'll try to change it first the first thing I can. But, like I said I'm not very social and have trouble starting good conversations here that don't end bad and making new friends is hard, but every one seems rewardable. Is it me myself? Am I just a looser that was never meant to stay here in the first place? Being here has allowed me to meet some great freiends and I'm sorry if I have been to huge of a *** to deserve that joy? Is it my writing style? I know I'm not a perfect author and my spelling isn't even near decent. Is it wha I say and not what I said? I'm sorry if what I do here makes you think off me as fagget. I can't help the personality I have. I'm sorry if I have done anything or I am anything wrong. Now whould usually be where I delete all of what I just wrote but if I am truley doing something faggety or I am soemthing faggety writing this just wasted some of my fagget time. Sorry for wasting your life making you read, click, look at, and maybe respond to this faggety post.
Thanks for wasting some of your time atleast looking up a picture if that is meant to be insulting thanks still for atleast wasting some of your time. I'm going back to wherever I came from. Nice picture though. Mind if I use it since I can never find any pictures for insults or that or funny and make me laugh at myself?
Your right. I should quit posting my problems and deal with my problems or just keep them all inside and vent out my frustration somewhere on things other then my problems if they can not be solved. Thanks. While not neccecairy helping me solve the problem, you did help me stop myself degrading myself further in others eyes by possibly posting faggety crying topics. If I wanted my stuff to be taken seriously though, I should have posted it in the Discussion Zone. I realize now that it was a faggety idea to post it here where some might would think I am just doing it for attention.
Actually I was just saying that to point out the stupidity in Hayabusa's reply, but whatever works for you I suppose.
Just because someone puts something in the spam zone gives doese not give it all the right in the world to be picked on. Jese if u all were down and post something people would be nice because they know u, and you are known on here. You just torment people for your own popularity on a stupid web site.
Let us not forget the crystal clear difference between getting picked on and being paranoid enough to think that you're getting picked on. Other than that I have nothing more to express safe for a deep sigh.