LOL that was my epic moment xD But the thing is this isnt really a sketch of somthing that wont happen in real life it is real xD i know sooooo many parents who watch Anime with there children.
xD my parents fail at that. At the bookstore: Are you buying anime(when looking at manga)? No mom I'm buying manga, anime is short for animation which is television! At the video store: Are you buying manga(when looking at anime)? No mom I'm buying anime, manga is comic that you read. Please not this happens everytime we go out. That's why I now I make my parents think I'm a shut-in and buy everything online. But then again there in there late 50's.
Yes that would be me....except it would be either NASCAR or the Avalanche...since the Red Wings are satan's team. Wait. Red Wings = Satan Satan = Demon Red Wings = Demon OMG