10 songs that I worked hard on, please download them and enjoy them. Share them with your friends if you want. Much more coming soon. http://www.mediafire.com/?jk2cm2mnmwo
It says the files are set to private, it may just be me though, I always have some sort of problems that nobody else has downloading your stuff. lol
No its ok, its set to private for me too, I just clicked it to do it and was coming to edit my post ;-; Camacaroon you're such a flucking tease ;-;
Alright so, my favourites have to be "Baby Says I want" and "What's in the Bag". And either way, most of the rest are pretty damn good. Great job Cam. Also: "Give me one of JD's beats, those I can use (Mass Effect)" I lol'd. Hard.
Good job. You fail to disappoint me. EDIT: The chorus of your version of "Over" needs a tiny bit of work. The rap was raw though. Btw, FUN FACT: My aunt went to school with Boi 1da, the guy that produced "Over" by Drake. Lol.