What? You? The Only one? Phppt. Blasphemy. I still play it, even Banjo Tooie. Those games are still as hilarious to me as they were when they first came out. Shows you the kind of humor I've got, don't it? I'm also too poor to afford an Xbox 360 right now....
Even 12 years after their release? Question, have you gotten the secret eggs and ice key, which you need cheats for?
I'd still be playing Banjo Tooie if my N64 was properly working. Never had a chance to have much of an experience with the original game, sadly.
Yep. I remember finding the ice key in Pterodactyland in Tooie, but I can't remember where I found the eggs. I do remember getting them and hatching them. I also put in all those codes that were supposed to start with "cheato" and then the rest of the code was entered backwards. I hate the infinite health one in Hailfire Peaks when you're the snowball, because I get stuck as it. I can't shrink down small enough to get inside Wumba's wigwam.
I loved this game when it first came out. I'd love to play it again for auld time sake. Shame we no longer have our N64. D:
I used to play over at my cousin's place (didn't haven an N64 myself). It was a great game, but we stopped playing it years ago. Good times though!
haha. My grandma still has that game at her house, and i LOVE playing it. v.v She still has Donkykong, (so main stream arcade) and mario bros. *sighs* ah, the N64.... when things were still so simple. ^^ (even though I'm only a teenager, my grandma doesn't buy the new stuff like wiis-- that's ALL my Dad) so-- no. you are not the only one. XD
Harhar. Do you want the cheats for those? It's the only way to get someting that useless. The newest game system I've got is a Gamecube. O.o Still good after so long.