Xenoblade Chronicles does not look as wonderful and large on the 3DS screen as it would on a Wii, but that's about the only thing I'll agree on with what i've read about it. I've played it for about 30 minutes now and I haven't found anything clunky with the controls, and I like the combat. Maybe it's because I will never play the Wii, but I don't see a problem with Xenoblade Chronicles 3D that other people are complaining about
The main problem people were focusing on, I found anyway, was that the textures were very blurry when using the 3D effects, and that the textures themselves got a downgrade from the wii. So if you haven't turned the 3D on, then there wouldn't really be any reason why you would notice the problems, if they're even there. (I've yet to play the 3D version myself)
Well, i'm watching Chuggaconnroy's LP of the game to make sure i get everything, and I'll admit that the graphics are a bit more pixelated than the Wii, but if they expected anything different, they were really just kidding themselves. I'd love to see a game, even a 3DS game, on a handheld that doesn't have downgraded graphics. And the 3D setting really isn't that different. It makes it slightly more rugged, but it's very, and I do mean very slight to the point that it's really just people finding something to complain about
A huge issue is the amount of pop-in. When you play Xenoblade, there's so little loading or tech issues that it feels like you're apart of this one of a kind setting so the game not loading properly is a huge step backwards.
Dude there's an important cutscene that zooms in on Shulk's face where the ground loads in and loads back out as the camera gets closer. It's a problem. If it doesn't bother you, fine. It doesn't take away from the mechanical depth of Xenoblade nor the well done story. But it is a huuuuge problem for me. The lack of fixes for the game hurt as well. Xenoblade is a game where it's hella easy to get over powered and could've really benefited from some difficulty modifiers. And the fact they never corrected their attempt at preventing GPS syndrome with the sidequests hurts my excitement for XBCX despite it being the game I want more than all else this year.
GPS syndrome ? You mean the fact that quest givers couldn' t be pinpointed on the map, forcing you to talk to everyone until you find them (if they even appear at that hour) ? Yeah, that was annoying as hell alright. And a bit curious considering the menus did an awesome job at tracking what should be kept and what could be sold without a second thought.