Well ****, that sounds fun. At least it's not malignant. >> I hope you're getting it removed soon. D:
Thanks Right. And nooooo, that would just make too much sense. They have to do a bone scan to be sure. Then to make double sure, they have to do a cat scan or an MRI. THEN they'll decide if I should have surgery or just deal with the pain. :/
Well...I can understand why they would, I mean if there was a misdiagnostic on the first test and it was malignant, it would be even worse to get rid of. But if it is just benign, why aren't they letting you make the choice? O.o
Right, I get that. It's just annoying having to wait. And I don't know. If I had a say in the matter, it'd be out today. I do. It has been causing me pain since November. And thanks.
I totally know how you feel right now, I'm currently waiting to see a doctor for my knee. It's been hurting on and off since last summer, but it's finally gotten to the point where I can barely walk without falling over. The earliest I can see a doctor is the 12th, and by then it'll probably be in worse condition. But seriously, best of luck, and I hope you feel better. D:
Tumors suck, I had surgery in April to remove a benign tumor in my uterus, Thus making me look pregnant. Still that sucks :<