So I haven't had any interest in driving but I'm finally going to get a license really just to have an ID. In order to take the driving test I need a permit and my old one expired like a month ago. So I went to the DMV yesterday and after waiting in line for half an hour they turned me away because I need to provide two pieces of mail addressed to me as proof of residence. I had paper work showing I lived in Illinois but not a precise address. Stupid but fine I guess. Go back today, wait in line again, meet the same clerk, my social security card is no good for some strange reason that I've already forgotten. She looked at it yesterday and didn't say anything, but today rejects it. So now I need to go to the Social Security Office tomorrow to get a new one and then go for a third trip to the DMV (which may take yet another day because of less than convenient hours a these places). If they still say no I'm not sure I'll be able to restrain myself here.
You won't want to strangle anyone at the DMV soon enough. It will devour your soul and remove your will to live...<<
They had rent-a-cops at mine, and they ticked me off just by there with their hands on their holsters. Why would they do that?
ive got a 40foot engine you can borrow. i was saving it for a space ship so i could target all of the DMV's and take them out from space, but personal vengeance takes priority. just give it back after.
You can strangle them all you like. But first you have to take a number and take an eye exam. Oh and the paperwork. There's a form you have to fill out to strangle them.
Am I the only one that doesn't hate DMVs? I went in to get a driver's permit and came out with a license. I like them.
My main problem with the DMV is that I feel like they don't know what they are doing most of the time. The last time I got my permit renewed they had me retake the written test and then when I was done she scolded me because I didn't need to take the test and now that added to her paperwork. Excuse me? Don't blame me for doing what you told me to do. And it isn't helped by the fact that they seem like they would rather be dead than work there. One once have I heard someone working at a DMV laugh, and that was my clerk laughing at me today. And even that was just a chuckle. On a related note the government really needs a better web designer. I found one page that says renewing a permit is five bucks, another that says twenty, and none that tells me what paperwork to bring.
Hah, lucky ******* xD Isn't State ID a good enough identification, or is it just as difficult to get one of those? *facing the same situation in three weeks*