I want to start making graphics, but I don't have much of an idea as to where I should start. What programs should I use and where can I get them? And baisically, a run down of making my own graphic art.
well there are many programs to make them, but i suggest fireworks and photoshop for begginers... well then again those are the only ones i know of xD just look up alot of tutorials onb youtube and you should find something intersting.
photoshop is a good tool to use and i believe its what alot of users use when making sigs and what not. If you are looking for tutorials, try deviantart or google it. A good site for renders is planetrenders.net and other than that, its up to your creativity and mindset.
Gimp is a good alternative for those who lack the funds for Photoshop. And as for where to get started, this site has some very good tutorials and links for resources. Guildinn has some good tuts to launch from. They're even seperated by rank so you can easily know which are beginner, intermediate, etc. And like they said, PlanetRenders is a very good site with a wide array of renders. AnimeRenders also has some quality stuff if you're looking for anime related stuff. If you need any specific help, you can also ask the GFX people here, which are easily indentifiable by all the threads they make with their sigs.
Gimp- is free and you get it at Gimp.org Deviantart- Tutorials and brushes Planet-Renders- good place for renders I made is simple ;D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1--SMf7FCzo&feature=related I hope that explained what the member was talking about... but yeah go with Rawrs advice on this one.
Download Gimp from www.gimp.org and download the newest version. Then go to gimptalk.com and go to the tutorials section. There are some very in-deep tutorials. Some require some experience but there are good tutorials for n00bs.. Well, off you go!
Yeah. It's free and great for those who like to do they're sigs manually and it's a bit harder to do but easier to figure out than Photoshop. I use it and I recommend it.
Paint shop pro 7 is good for color text pictures and background. then with that you should have animation shop which is good for animation.