I actually saw these in my FFXIII booklet, and thought it was something unrelated at first, but I wanted it. Then I realized what it was and, like a geek, I definitely wanted it more. What is the price though?
It's a necklace from FFXIII. The one I wanted is a pendant with a cat on it. It's in the background of my avatar. But I've realized, due to the size, all the pendants look like penises.
Jesus, Mother Mary, and Joseph! That's a lot more than I thought. ...if I did my currency conversion right.
http://ssl.square-enix-shop.com/usa/category.php?cat=27 There you go. xD They are very pretty, mind you.
Holy mother of ****, that is expensive. If I were to get anything, I'd go cheap and get the 20 dollar Lightning's sword key ring
It is Spoiler a replica of the engagement necklace that Snow gave to Serah on Day 11. (I don't actually think that's a spoiler, but just to be safe...) But anyway I kinda want the L'cie one. But seriously, $169? Damn.
That's...pretty expensive o-o I checked Tidus's necklace, about 168 bucks DX I'll take the 15 dollar keyring, kthnx
So, I was talking with Bueno and I'm going to get this when it's in stock. I've got an asston of change saved up and I'll empty it all into my bank account. Then buy the pendant for no loss or a possible gain. Just have to wait for them to get some more made. Also, I told him that I will wear nothing but pants and that pendant and then post a picture of it here on the forum. Just you wait, KHV. I'm going to make a fool out of myself.