Winter's not until December 21, but it's December 15, and it's 54 degrees outside! Last year snow started in October!
So do I, but you don't see me making a whole thread about it mostly because i live in florida and i know it's hopeless
You freeze when it goes below core body temperature outside xD For us we had no snow until BAM it all came down in March and early April... like seriously? That's spring ;-;
It is currently snowing outside my window. The local schools had a snow day last week because there was a small blizzard. It was -5 degrees fahrenheit last night. My car is in two feet of snow. My dog got lost in a snowdrift this morning. You don't want it to snow. Welcome to goddamn northern New York.
You know what I hate love about Texas? Every time I'm working in shorts and short-sleeved clothes out in the parking lot at Target, when it's like 43 degrees outside, everyone passes me all bundled and hugging their jackets, and they look at me and just ask stuff like "Aren't you cold?" or something like "It's pretty cold out here isn't it?" It's funny because people in Texas have no sense of cold whatsoever, and they always think it's going to snow when the whether gets cold, and I'm just thinking "People, it's only 36 degrees, it's not even freezing. You're not going to get snow."