It's just my opinion, of course, but I think that it looks like it's been done too many times. All of your sigs have a style, right, but... a lot of them are the same. I'm terrible at explaining... -_-'
Hey there, bitch. (: Cool sig. The lightening looks really good here - nice go at the colors too. The...text however...>_>
Higherbeing, I believe you need to look up the word "cliched" in the dictionary. And Sharp, nice sig, sad and lonely text. Why must you insist on not improving it? WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHYYYYYYY?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!!?!?!?
>.>... I know what "cliched" means and I still sort of think it's cliched. I know no one cares... bye.
Cliched - Irony caused by the repeatition and prediction of an action due to stereotype or otherwise. Is this a stereotypical sig? No...this is a -Sharp> sig. And I actually find this one to be quite different then his style. I was surprised when I clicked on the thread.
-_- Well yeah it's a -Sharp> sig, he made it didn't he? Repeatition being the key word here. Still in my opinion, it's a tad cliche. If you think it's different and fresh, then by all means, go ahead. *shrug*
I think you need to branch out a bit more. It looks like all your other sigs. T_T The one thing I notice about my brother, whenever he's doing sigs, he's always doing new things, and always challenging himself. I would suggest doing the same.