Stovetop Ramen isn't supposed to taste this good. As always happens whenever I'm on a TWEWY kick, I decided I wanted ramen for dinner. We have some Shrimp flavored Stovetop, so I dropped that in a pot of boiling water with some milk and butter, then I added chopped fresh carrots, chopped fresh celery, dried chopped onion, garlic powder, ground coriander, dried chives, and a few splashes of Worcester sauce. I think I'm in Ramen heaven.
I haven't had ramen in years. I went through a phase of eating it a lot and now it makes me feel sick.
Yeah, that was me. And then about a month ago, one of my dad's work friends hired me to house-sit while they were on vacation, and they bought a bunch of Stovetop for me to eat while I was there. That was when I decided I liked ramen again. It was good then, too, because I was allowed to raid their spice cupbourd (although it was far barer than the spice cupboard in my house) and I brought my own mushrooms to spice it up. Boy, I wish I had some mushrooms now, to put in this ramen. But, oh well. Now I like ramen again, or whatever. RAMBLE FINISHED.
Adding fresh vegetables always redeems the "cheap" quality and makes it taste even better~ Personally, I find the only downside to ramen is that teh sodium levels are over 9000. D:
Oh, how I love Ramen! One of my favorite Japanese dishes...... ........ Besides Japanese Curry, Tonkatsu and Tempura.....
I have never had ramen but every time people talk about it I want to eat it >:3 Well screw you guys for making me hungry >.<