Are you sure you're turning off while you're half asleep? >_> That's what happens to me. Most of the time I don't even remember that the alarm rang.
This..all the time. I have to use my cellphone and change the alarm tone or I'll end up sleep turning it off, without even noticing.
or y'know, sleep at proper times so your body isnt in REM state during your alarm and less likely to ignore the outside noise.
That be too easy. Besides, being in the REM state makes one more susceptible to hearing the end of the world as we know it.
Many a time I've woken up an hour late to discover my phone (that I use as an alarm) either still in my hand or me lying on top of it in bed, without me remember picking it up. I've even tried putting it under a pile of stuff on the other side of the room to no avail. Silly brain.
My alarm is on the other side of the room. :/ And if I don't actually GET UP to turn it off, my roommate will throw pillows at me until I do, since she can't figure out how to do more than push the snooze button. So either it didn't go off, or I was REALLY REALLY tired this morning. Which I shouldn't have been, as I went to bed at a relatively reasonable time last night. Pff, why would I do that? :lolface:
This website is a godsend if you have problems getting up in the morning. I don't typically use it for school days but I do over the weekends/breaks and it's awesome.
I don't need an alarm clock. I have conditioned my body through over 12 years of earlier-than-preferred awakenings to automatically wake up around 6 or 7 in the morning. Now wanting to stay awake is another story...
My alarm used to work, but now I'm used to it. Now I use my TV. Since it's always a little different when it comes on, I always notice it.