He's annoying, he's ugly, he hits too hard, I'm probably underleveled, I should rethink my strategy, I should get some more levels in, and it's probably going to be the only game that I won't even bother getting the Ultima Keyblade, because I find it hard enough grinding just a few for that little bit of extra strength to help beat bosses that I'm already having trouble on. (this is looking great, considering I'm trying this on Normal mode and still getting my *** handed to me)
Do you use fire commands? So long as you can use the advanced dodge setups(for Rikuit's Dark Roll, for Sora IDK) and a bunch of fire techniques, you'll be fine.
Only if you know what you're doing. If you've been playing the game wrong the whole time, he's pretty hard.
Gee, makes it sound like I've been playing the game wrong the whole time...Really helping my confidence for Hard mode there, aren't you?
I am trying to use balloon spells (Balloonga) but I suppose that works too. I'm in critical. Whatever you do, it will still be easier than this pal.
Finally cottoned on you meant the Disney characters in KH:3D, and not the Roman general and founder of the first of an eventual continuation of Roman Republics that influenced the development of democracy. Silly me.