I just read the most horrific manga that I have ever read.... And I have not even finished the last eight pages of the first chapter! I need a long-term therapist..... For this manga just changed the way I look at women for the rest of my life..... And whatever you do. For the sake of your sanity.... DO NOT READ THE UNCENSORED VERSION OF THIS PARTICULAR MANGA!!!
Okeee-a dukeee-a, I'll be-a soore-a tu teke-a thet edfeece-a intu cunseedereshun Fegeeneer. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!
I'm not freaking joking on this. This is serious! Though for the safety of KHV, I will not tell what the name of the manga is.... Unless you read it already.
Dun't vurry, I beleeefe-a yuoo my guud freeend.[DOUBLEPOST=1396365781][/DOUBLEPOST]I dun't ifee reed munga unyvey... Börk börk börk!
Thanks. I know it's April Fools' Day around America..... But come on, I will never do something to troll you.
Vell, Emereeca und zee rest ooff zee vurld es vell. Und dun't vurry ebuoot it. Um de hur de hur de hur. ;)
Oh it was not the plot. It's the unexpected plot twist coming from a Harem manga.... Oh gosh, I said too much....
Harem manga .... Interesting Now i'm wondering if I should google it, until I find the manga you'r talking about.