After replaying the main campaign of Bioshock Infinite again and finally playing through the dlc episodes, ep 2 of Burial at Sea reminded me of how bad at stealth games I am. I'm starting to get flash backs of my failed attempt to play Deus Ex. X_X
Deus Ex is hard to play because the first level does not forgive. And Bioshock Infinite's BaS Episode 2 is such a softcore stealth game that I wouldn't even call it a stealth game- more like a shooter with a stealth mechanic. A good introduction and test of skill for the stealth genre is Dishonored. Great game even if you're not stealthy. The reason I say this is because it mimmicks games like Deus Ex and Thief, but you have a teleport mechanic so it's easy to get away if you're caught. You also have some good combat options if you don't want to go perfectly nonlethal. If that doesn't appeal to you... Splinter Cell Collection is on PS3, Splinter Cell: Double Agent (<3) is on PS360, Splinter Cell: Conviction is a brilliant game on Xbox 360 and PC, and Splinter Cell Blacklist is on everything. These games are pretty tame making you feel like a stealthy badass even though you could be easily seen, but you're just being efficient and killing anyone who could pose a problem
Deus Ex I've heard gets better after the first level, stealth wise? I wouldn't personally know because I've never played very much of it, nor do I care to.
Ah, shoe horned mechanic for dlc, I see. Dishonored is still on my backlog of steam games so I'll get to that at some point.
Basically, yeah. Here's how greatly implemented the stealth is in BaS Episode 2: I got caught once by seven enemies at in return trip portion of the game. I used the plasmid to go invisible with all of them looking. I stood there invisible and they had no idea what to do , so they just eventually got bored or went patrolling again or walked by me where I then executed them. It's not a very good stealth system. It's neat, it works for DLC, but don't base your stealthing skills on a game like that.
I just did that a while ago while I was playing. XD The peeping tom plasmid breaks the whole sneaking mechanic especially after you have all the upgrades for it...
Hitman games might be a shout out. Blood Money and Absolution are some great games. Absolution is fairly forgiving too. Are we talking original Deus Ex or Human Revolution?
I got so frustrated with the stealth parts in The Witcher 2 because they kept bugging out on me and not giving me the option to knock people out from behind or I got stuck leaning against the walls but that is just tiny parts of the game, never played Deus Ex and Bioshock Infinite is in my Steam library but remains untouched.
Human Revolution, played the first area and couldn't work the stealth at all. X_X Lot of games I have yet to play, got to stop buying games when they are on sale...until the summer sale hits... Absolution is also on my backlog of steam games...
Ah, see the first bit in Sariff industries when it's broken into, that's impossible to be proper sneaky since it introduces all the game's mechanica to you. You can be properly sneaky after you get all your augmentations. And the stealth jn that game is a bit tough, you've got to take the invisible aug asap.
Guess I'll have to give it another try at some point, but first I think I'll go with another game. Need to pick something out of my backlog, just finished Burial at Sea ep 2.