oh, hai guys! What's up? I've been on summer vacation~~~ I went to New York and visited Mike, and then I went back to Florida, also going to the Keys with the family. Life has been pretty eventful lately, sorry if it seems like I abandoned KHV, BUT I HAVE BEEN HAVING A FUN SUMMER :) You guys miss me? :P
Aw, shucks~ OMG LLAVE MISSES ME, HOW KAWAII DESU No, I didn't...darn, I knew I forgot something!! I've been all over the place, lol, but now I'm back home...bad news is that I don't have a connection to piggyback from anymore so I have to get my own Internet which might take a while. In the mean time I shall use the local Dunkin Donuts for such Internet purposes. Sorry if I take long to respond :/ Edit*: also, my laptop completely died on me...sigh