I started learning guitar today...

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Stardust, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male

    I think I won't take long to play the guitar itself, since I'm good with hand-eye stuff. My only demise is reading music and implementing that to what strings and frets to use.
  2. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    It's easy to tune instruments, you'll get the hang of it quick. I was terrified to tune my violin when I first got it but being able to tune made life a gazillion times easier.

    Also if you hate music, tabs are much simpler. I can read treble clef (violin) but not bass clef with real notations ;__; I used to be able to read bass clef really slowly but I never used it so I forgot. Now I sort of need to 'cause of bass xD...
    @nra - I've got an Ibanez electric bass, Tacoma electric guitar, a Yamaha keyboard and a Baldwin piano. No idea who made my violin. Some random brand nobody cares about.

    Also I'd say get a fairly inexpensive keyboard to start out and see if you like it all that much, and then if you do eBay that one off or something and save up for a better one/real piano. A word of advice as well -- if you can find one with all of the keys for a cheap price, get it because only even having 61 keys is EXTREMELY obnoxious and restricting (standard pianos have 88). My keyboard has 61 keys and it drives me up the wall with how little range it has.