with your help. So, lab rats-- I mean, no, that's wrong of me. It slipped. A thousand pardons. Test subjects. Is that any better? Curious folks (and only the curious), I need your help. I wish to conduct an experiment, but alas, I've not the materials required of me. And tbh, I am too lazy to go and grab them, to run to the nearest dollar store. And it's too late for that, too late in the night. BUT. But, and this is where you come in! One of you luckies just might. THE EXPERIMENT: The Ganzfeld Effect consists of 1) a ping pong ball 2) a radio + headphones 3) a red light THE PROCEDURE consists of 1) turn on the radio to a station with only white noise, put on headphones 2) cut the ping pong ball in half, tape each half over your eye 3) turn the red light so that it faces your eyes 4) sit for at least half an hour 5) ??? 6) PROFIT. KEEP TRIPPIN' FOR REFERENCE LARiA is not responsible for any bad hallucinations the rats might or might not have.
Anyone who carries out the experiment, you will serve as a demonstration for us all. Please, please, feel free to post results. I've not yet done it, but will asap.