Hey guys xD. Well for those of you who remember me, I left like 8 months back. After Advent (I dunno what he calls himself on this site anymore xP) convinced me to come back, I thought I'd give it a go again. Well nice to see you guys and I'll see you on the forums. :]
*Salutes* Welcome back, oh humble Leader! And yes, obey Advent's orders or you'll not come out of this alive again. Nah, joking. Good thing to have you back man! ;-;
I remember you. Welcome back man, it's good to have you back. Anyone that Advent wanted to come back must be worth having around.
Oh hello x3 Don't know you, but whatever. It's good to see people come back from the dead. Welcome back. ;D
0.0; Wooow That the biggest greating i've seen...... New Goal: + Make everyone love me + Leave for a long time + Return with a awesome story Sweet xD
DjC your back*slow motion run then of course trips and falls* Perhaps you can bring back order to the orderless code vault oh leader. *salutes*