And this all might be a little odd but bare with me here. I'm thinking of applying to a new DreamWidth RP. This one, to be exact. It's Pokemon based. :3 Now, I'm going to be apping Judai/Jaden from YGO GX. My question is, should I app canon Judai or genderbent Judai? Both would be good in the setting, I think.
I think genderbending is lame given the sheer amount of female characters from various media settings available for you choose. That, or the fact that playing a guy won't kill you.
It's mostly an astetic change really, and affects a few little things in-game. I want to play Judai, though, so I'm not just going to 'pick a girl' to play. :/ I just can't decide >_<
Why even post this, she asked for help, not mindless text that helps no one. Don't change a characters gender, either be them, or be a female, don't be a female them, it's stupid.
But isn't Jaden already a gir-*shot* I'm going to agree with the others on this. Besides, it'd be much more difficult to portray what a guy might do in a genderbent situation than rping as an actual female.