If you remember (or don't) my little survey a month or so ago, there's apparently a follow up and now here's two more questions and I would like at least 10 peeps to respond. 1. From the top of your head, what superhero do you think of? 2. Describe in one word your room/place you are currently staying. Thanks in advance, y'all!
1. Speedball (because he's awesome and I love him and Nova, the new one, is really mean to him, but it's okay because Vance is cool too.) 2. Dusty
Man, I out of you're age range by exactly five months. Why is life so cruel! Jk, I'm totally amazing.
Haha yeah, I mainly asked the questions at my old high school and university campus and it's hard to know on here without directly asking, so I just guessed :x But it wasn't an important factor for the study, just as long as peeps weren't in Grade/Elementary/Middle school.
*Stares at the last sentence* What's five months lol. Anyway, I like this one better! Superhero's! Yay! And I chose Speedball, look he's got bubbles. >3<