I can be incredibly clumsy at times n' i do like peanut butter or jam on my toast. Might accidental drop the slices n' fall back on 'em. Then it'll be like that scene in Mary Poppins where everyone is high as a kite.
paradox: there's no way the toast would be able to fall onto the cat in such a manner that it lands on the non-butter side. if it were to land on the cat butter side down, all you would achive is a buttery cat, and maybe some super-gravity.... ...unless the cat was already on its back, mid-air. in which case the antigravity effect would result. [/ruin point of thread] so yeah, go make some toast, just make sure there arent any cats in midair on their backs nearby.
guzuh? *confused* ...oh wait. was the entire post just about the picture of the spinning cat with toast on its back? because that would make a lot more sense, and...yeah..
....well that was more obvious than i expected. ...why didn't i read that properly O.o. well what happens if you try burning the anti grav cat?
O.o ...as i suspected *slowly walks away to watch dragonball GT* ...i still like the idea of anti-grav cats.