Yup! Goodbye feeling that I had stones in my school bag! The books are Religious Education, English and Spanish! Now I will use a HUGE book that have all the subjects. ::L: I feel so freeeeeee. EDITed. Thanks Machi. Now I know why it didn't get any reply. LOL
Yea, I believe that subject is "asunto" (which is subjects and matter) in spanish, for Portuguese subject can be "assunto" (it means what we're talking about, the subject of a disccusion) or "matéria" (which is what I'm talking about, the thing we're studying). In Portuguese Assunto and Matéria are two different things. Though in English (subject) and Spanish (asunto) they are the same word. =/ Sorry, I forgot about that. DX Anyway, thanks Machi. ^^
For some reason. Machi loves this IMG. He's always using it. xD Sometimes learn 3 languages at once is annoying. >.<