So we've been watching Hotel Rwanda at school, and I must say, I'm very disappointed in the WHOLE world for not stepping up and helping them in time. They knew what was happening, and yet it took the lives of 800,000 Rwandans to see that? That's INSANE!!! Then that line in the movie where the soldier told Paul that the rest of the world didn't care because "he wasn't even a n_____, he was an African." That's ridiculously stupid! And apparently the freaking conflict hasn't been resolved yet! The Tutsis had to flee to a bordering country! They can't go back home without fearing for they're lives!!! And what's worse? ALL of Africa is a mess! The whole continent was ravaged by Europe and the U.S. for it's materials, carved up, and left to rot! I'm so freaking mad right now! The people eventually have to rise up and take down all of the rebels that caused this mess. Then it's going to take years to actually rebuild the country. UGH I'M SO MAD!!!! this is just a big fat example of "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." (btw Rwandan Genocide - 1994)
...You do know that the genocides are still going on, right? And that during 1994 the major countries in the world were involved in cleaning up after the First Gulf War?
Sometimes, when I post, I get afraid that someone will misconstrue the wording of my post so I force myself to go back and change it.
Africa did a lot of it's own screwing up. Slavery still continues in Africa, carried out by natives against natives. Even back when global slavery was still going, it was local people who sold other local people into slavery. The world is not as to blame as you might think. I mean, look at Mugabe >_>
breathe in, breathe out. enslaving their own people. that makes me sick to my stomach, and i thought we were past those times.
And now Uganda wants to bring the death penalty in for gay people =D I say leave them all to sort out their own problems.