There's this girl who I know that just LOVES to harrase me. Every day,she either makes fun of me or sends me a nasty text(which she either cusses me out or thretens me.) Her little texts and threats aren't serious,their like child's play. But lately,she's been taking it to the next level. I told the police about it,but nothing's been fone in the last couple of days. I don't know what to do...SHe keeps sending me texts and I kepp telling the police,but they do nothing! Please help me.:unsure:
Well, one of the easiest things to do would just be to block her number. That would have to be the first step. Have you tried talking to the girl herself?
Yeah...Hoooooold on.... Blocked. She won't talk to me because of some stupid reason:We both like the same guy. It's stupid,really.
Unfortunately police won't do much if it looks like teasing and isn't something a lot worse. Do you go to school with this girl? Any way the adults at school (principals, vice principals, headmasters, whatever applies to you) could be informed of this? And just curious: how did she get a hold of your number in the first place?
Well,looks like they're out of the picture. -_-' Yes,this didn't happen till a couple weeks ago. We were best friends...