Okay, so I just got Photoshop CS2, and I have no idea how to use it. I looked up some tuts, and used what I already knew. But people, I'm begging for CnC. I really want to get better. And some tips on how to use brushes more effectively. But please, CnC. And don't just say: "It sucks you can do better." I don't appreciate that. PHOTOMANIP: ORIGINAL:
Well, this is a nice edit, for the most part. It's very basic, but you did what most people who attempt this kind of peice fail at, which is: Making the effects seems as if they were on a surface, and not floating. But, the splatter at the bottom kills this, because it disrups what I said earlier. Maybe if you added text o that, it would make more sense and draw everything together. The coloring is questionable, though.
Okay...there's not much difference to it, but it's a first try. The only thing that screams the most to me is those splatter thingies, they seem to be...misplaced somehow. And way too 'out-there' if you know what I mean.
The splatter on the right was the first thing I did. ^.^;; And you mean add text on top of the splatter to make it more hidden? I think that's what you mean... And the color was sheer experimentation with fill layers and adjustment layers. I'm just exploring CS2 for the first time. Yeah, now that I look at it, the splatter is very... in-your-face. ^.^;; Thanks for the critique, guys.
No, I mean add a nice text that matches with it. Like you see in some posters, where they have an effects behind the text. If you would like an example, I guess you can pm me.