Okay, so I have this guy name George who's likw the school bully. I insulted him, so I think he's gonna kick my @$$. Whay should I do?
Either take the easy road and tell the teacher, or get a bunch of your friends to not even fight him, but maybe scare him. Either way should get him to stop. Unless he gets all his friends, then tell a teacher.
Whatever you do, don't try to fight him. Tell an authority figure before he gets the opportunity to do said ass kicking.
Speak to an adult, be it a teacher, assistant principal, or the principal him/herself. Someone needs to know that this person has been bullying you and that you don't feel as safe as you should. Your safety is their job. Let them handle it. And don't drag your friends into this, it could get ugly. Maybe instead ask them to watch your back and side with you in case something goes down, so your side of the story is heard (in case the bully tries to pull some story out his keister to frame you).