Basically, sitting while leaning on something, and lying flat on my back is really painful at the moment. Tomorrow I have about 16 hours of traveling to look forward to. ;_; FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU- (This is also my way of saying that I'll be posting even less than usual during the next few days. Bye for a while!)
I'm ridiculously accident prone. In less than a month I've sprained my ankle and wrist, broken my toe, had an assortment of cuts, bruises and bumps on the head, plus now my back. Sure, I hope you don't mind that it's sitting in a glass cabinet at Gamestop ^^'
So, 16 hours got stretched to nearly 22 hours of travel x.x There was a pretty bad storm near JFK so all flights were grounded for about three hours. Oh god I'm tired, and oh god my back ;.;