I love Asians.

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Always Dance, Apr 30, 2010.

  1. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    I was at Ross today buying some jeans.
    There's only one register and there's this white chick buying some shoes. She asks something and the Mexican cashier answers in spanish. The white lady cuts her off and goes "ARRGHL SPEAK ENGLISH WE ARE IN AMERICA".
    Mexican lady starts crying and storms off. Another Mexican customer comes up and starts yelling at her and they are full on arguing.

    Now, they are at the ONLY REGISTER, and this was happening for 15 MINUTES. The line is getting pretty big.

    Eventually the manager comes and breaks them up. The white lady is checking out her stuff with some Phillipino cashier. Immediately upon seeing her she starts talking her head off about something and the cashier is just listening. I have no idea what the **** she's talking about but the cashier is just like "yeah, yeah, uh-huh, it's 44.95, have a nice day...." at least 4 times trying to get rid of her.

    well this white lady is gabbing her head for at least twenty minutes and I'm getting ****ing fed up in line.

    And apparently so is this Chinese woman behind me. She's an old, frail, fragile woman who comes up to like my rib. After renaming silent for like 35 minutes suddenly turns to the woman and goes

    The white lady starts crying and leaves. Everyone in the line busts up laughing.
  2. Mvalentine King's Apprentice

    Hahahaha...My mom works in a shop and a pakistani walked in once and said "Do you have and dowls" my mom says yeah weve got lots of dolls they're over with the toys his reply "nonono not dolls DOW-ELS" and mom just said "Oooooooooooh towels those are over there" he wasnt too happy XD