I look and feel unhealthy =[

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by SoraUchiha, Apr 14, 2010.

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  1. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Okay seriously im not vain but im concerned.

    My skin and hair is so unhealthy now-I'm far too pale,to a point that im almost grey (The only skin problem I've ever had is eczema) and my hair colour is changing to a dull Grey-Bronze-I have dark circles under my eyes and its not really getting any better.
    I know why this is happening-
    Pale Skin-I'm really not out that much because the bad wether here in Ireland-I just kinda stay in my room and read .
    Hair Colour Change-I straighten my hair like twice a day but I thought if anything it would bleach and go blonde.
    Under Eye Circles-I honestly only get 7 hours sleep (12pm-6am)

    So im wondering what I should do-Keeping in mind that I try to get sleep-My hair curls horribly and the weather is bad.
    So I dont know what to do-So please help =[
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Well for one thing stop making excuses, get off your backside and do something about it.

    If you want to chance and become healthier then you have to actually want it.

    I have friends who live in Ireland and I am pretty sure it does not rain eevry single day of the year, even if it is raining you can still go for short walks for the fresh air. Even half an hour a few times a week will do you good.

    With your hair, well you can buy products that protect it from the effects of straightening etc, so if you want to keep on straightening it then just make sure you are using products specifically aimed at protecting your hair. Though I have never heard of straightening your hair changing its colour before. I am wondering if that is a result of something else.

    As for sleep, I get on average about 3 hours sleep a night, if I am lucky, so think yourself lucky you get 6. By the way, if you were sleeping from 12pm to 6am you would be getting 18 hours sleep a day >>. Try going to bed earlier, exercising more and going out more will also help you sleep better because you will be more active and actually using your energy.

    To help with the circles make sure you are getting enough vitamins and drink plenty of water to help your system.

    They are all things you can deal with, but only if you actually want to make a change.

    Good luck <33
  3. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    You know what the cause is, so all you have left is a priority matter. What matters more to you: a healthy-looking skin or staying inside despite the bad weather? This shouldn't even be a problem.

    Not an expert on this matter I'm afraid.

    7 hours a night isn't bad at all. Many people do just fine with less than that. You may get used to it, and maybe the effects on your body will leave when you do.
  4. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    If you've always had bags under your eyes, they could be genetic. I have pretty noticeable ones myself, so take a look at some baby pictures. If you can see them there, you might have always had them. If that's the case just use a little makeup to conceal them.

    And it seems to me that these things may all be related. Seven hours should be sufficient sleep for you, but if you sit inside and read all day you've got to expect some problems. Your body needs to vitamins from the sun to survive, and no, the little bit that filters through the windows does not count. I've recently started exercising and I feel a lot better day to day -- I'm more awake in the morning, I sleep better at night, etc. It helps to get into good exercise habits in your teen years, too -- you'll find that later on, your body doesn't burn the calories like it did when you were younger. It doesn't have to be anything intensive. I started by going for strolls every now and then (if it rains a lot in Ireland, invest in a nice umbrella or a rain coat). Two or three times a week I jog around a few culs de sac around me. Just get out there and do something.

    As for your hair color, it can change when you don't expose it to the sun, when you go into a lot of swimming pools, or even age. If going out more doesn't remedy it, try switching up your shampoo/conditioner. (if you use conditioner, I know a lot of guys don't. If you have enough to straighten it might be a good idea, it makes your hair much shiner and softer) Like CtR said, look for one that will protect your hair from the straightener, because that thing really wreaks havoc on your hair imo. You could look into chemical straightening, too.
  5. MandyXRiku4ever Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2009
    Hmmm...well for the pale skin...you should rele talk to the docotor and instead of just sitting around inside all day go out when its nice enough to where you can have fun outside for thirty minutes.

    The whole hair thing? Try strainghtening it once a day. and on the days you dont have school,don't straighten it. Why? because it demages your hair later on and the heat ruins your hair.(something like that.\

    Hate to be a bugger on the sleeping thing but the human body needs nine hours of sleep. So heres how it works you go to bed earoly but your body will be albe to help you out more. Ik this b/c i have nights were i dont go to bed or i only get 3-5 hours. But when i get 9-8 hours sleep im a much better person to be around. You actually have more energy too.

    try doing that and any other good advice. k?
  6. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    just so you know-I dont stay in all day reading-Its only lately i've got into that habit-Normally id be out all day -_-

    I looked it all up and apparently-Its stress related-I have got most of the symptoms and I know how I've been feeling so I actually need to deal with stress as opposed to my appearance -_-
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