I was actually think of getting someone who's good at corel painter to color it for me... And thank you! ^-^
Ur right, it is pretty sloppy, but at the same time, it looks really good. Its like none of the space is taken up at all, so it really is nice to look at, you know what I mean. Lol. I guess its 4/5 in my oppinion. good job :P
Very nice work. This is great, not sloppy. The head shape is a bit off, but that's all. Like suggested before, find someone to add color.
its a pretty good drawing but there are some little faults in it. The proportions of the face are a little bit... out of place. anyways it is good XD Keep on improving. ^_^
I don't see any sloppiness in the artwork! It's adorable, I think you should color it! It's awesome, x3
The mouth, is a bit off, but it's not sloppy. Head shape could be a bit better, but whatever floats your boat. A, 7/10 until it's colored.