But I've been without an internet connection for almost a week now. This new forum is confusing. The first page I usually go to on KHV is my User CP but now that it's gone, I keep on getting this error message. I honestly thought the site was down when I got back on today. Had a mini-heart attack. Whatever would I have done without KHV? xD So besides the new forum, what else happened while I was gone? It seems like all the big changes happen while I'm away.
Other than the forum, obviously, not much else has happened. Some things are missing, been replaced, been added, etc., but nothing too huge. Oh, the KHV Awards Cycle Three started! That's something new I suppose!
There's this group of weirdos running around with these sigs in protest of some guy getting banned. Don't know what's up with that.
Never again. <3 Oh? O: Do tell. I'm curious. I know some people were banned but I haven't found out who yet.
I have only noticed one? It's like when you're banned, your profile disappears from the member list so it's really hard to tell who's all left. :cI hope you learn to love this new place like we all do.
Lol I don't know....it's been about 6 months sense I last been here. lol everything looks the same for me .The only thing new to me was that Makaze was banned.
Don't misunderstand, I would, if it weren't practically impossible to save him. Besides, I don't think he'd want to come back to this place, and mutually standing, I don't think Staff would want him back.
Oh I know, I'm just kidding. There's no saving that guy, not that he actually cares. At least I can give him a tribute with my new name.