Right... normally, the Forum remembers me, and so... I don't have to keep logging in. However... yesterday since I changed my password, suddenly... even though I keep on clicking on the remember me box. When I refresh the page, I'm logged out again. This has never happened before... and it's frustrating to keep on being suddenly logged out and have to log in again.. So, any ideas?
GoogleChrome. As I said, I've never had this problem until today... or yesterday when I changed my password. If that is the cause anyway.. :/
Have you tried with a different browser? Just to see if it's site related (which I doubt) or something is wrong with your browser setting.
Well, I tried it in IE and then GoogleChrome again, and it seems to be working fine now... I don't know if this will keep up... but if it happens again. I guess I'll post here again. I don't know why it's fine now though... maybe my Laptop is just being weird today... but yeah. Thanks for now. Sorry for double posting... but it's happened again. This time it wasn't a matter of refreshing. I got an email about a response to a thread. So I went to check the thread and suddenly I was logged out again. I really don't get this... :/ I just want it to go back to being that I'm always logged in... lol EDIT: I've learnt that the 'remember me' option is working in internet explorer... Which is odd... it used to work in GoogleChrome, but it isn't now... (I'd much prefer to stick with GoogleChrome as frankly, Internet Explorer sucks... and I like to keep certain threads pinned to my browser so they are always up.) Any thoughts from anyone?
I don't use chrome or much of IE... but in IE try going to Tools --> Internet Options --> Delete Browsing history/cookies/etc. and then on the privacy tab click advanced and make sure it accepts first and third party cookies. Then just exit all your browser windows and restart. I'm sure chrome has similar options for cookies too. If that doesn't work maybe just try reinstalling your browsers or restoring the defaults.
I've tried everything you said... I installed the browser again too. And it's still not working... :/
Nope... Chrome is the only Browser I actually use other than Opera, and I've never been on KHV using Opera. I've also check all comps in the house and there are none logged into KHV either. :/
Is it only doing this for KHV? Do you have accounts on any other vbulletin sites to see if it's doing the same thing?
KHV is the only Forum I go on. I've got no other accounts.. :/ Although other auto login things are working fine, such as Facebook and other things. But I don't know if that info helps.
Have you tried navigating the forums after you have logged in, even if it shows you're not logged in? There is some kind of bug here that does that, if you in the url you type kh-vids.net instead of www.kh-vids.net. If you type the url the first way (without the www), that might be the problem.
Can you do me a favor? Can you download CCleaner (google it, easy to find, small in size and easy to use), install it, run it and run a scan? Make sure you enable the cookies checkbox. Scan wont take more than a couple of minutes. Then delete what it finds. Afterwards go to www.kh-vids.net, login and see if it works.
I already have CCleaner funnily enough, but yeah, I'll give it a try. ~ ~ ~ Again... apologies for another Doublepost... ~ Kubo, you are awesome. It does seem to be working now :D I don't know why I didn't think of CCleaner... it didn't occur to me in the slightest. lol Anyway, cheers. Hopefully, this is the final fix... otherwise, I'll be sure to post here again. XD Since this matter has been resolved and seems to be fixed for good now. (hope I don't jinx) This thread can be closed/locked. etc. Thanks for the help everyone! :)