He's Just Not Into You... It was a really weird movie;Some of the characters annoyed me to no end "/ Justin Long was pretty good in it though. Spoiler And since I was over my friend's house when I saw it, her overprotective mom decided to sit and watch it with us, which was extremely awkward.
I saw that movie in the Theater. Think about sitting in front of a HUGE television, wanting to go see the new epic action movie instead of this. B| I thought the Characters were overrated, and the "sleeping with someone else" scheme was very cruel. Worst. Movie. Ever.
Yeah, and some of my friends are 15 too. Eh...Her mother kept saying 'this is so stupid.' Which annoyed me,because the only reason it was stupid to her was because it was talking about dating and sex. Although it was stupid for millions of other reasons. She was extremely awkward I thought that the only good part in the movie was at the end,when it ended. :v